47 - Ian appreciates his husband (he really fucking does)

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Ian was home in the afternoon, it was rainy outside, so they stayed indoors.
Because of the rain, Amy decided to play pirates, the sofa was the pirate ship and the armchair on the other side was the bad pirate ship. Amy was the captain, Wooly was the first mate and Ian manned the cannons, while Mickey played the bad pirate. In the end, Amy decided that she could control the big Kraken in the ocean and won the battle by throwing Mickey's octopus plushie at him. After a very dramatic death scene, which threw Amy into a laughing fit, Mickey prepared dinner for Ian and Amy.

Ian had a morning shift the next day and had to go to bed around the same time as Amy today.
Ian folded the laundry in the meantime, Amy stood on a chair next to him and sorted the socks, matching every sock with its "brother".

Franny came down to the kitchen, she picked Amy up and hugged her, "Amy do you want to play with me? Do you want to play with me with the dolls?"
"Franny not now", Debbie shouted from the living room, "Come here and help me clean up, sweetie. Dinner will be ready soon."

"Dolls", Amy said excitedly.
"Amy, no, playtime is over. You're going to bed soon", Ian said and picked her up, "Franny, go help your mom, please."

Franny sighed annoyed and helped Debbie cleaning up the chaos leftover from their pirate game.
Ian put Amy into her highchair and started putting the dishes on the table.

Amy was talking and singing nonsense, while the rest of the Gallaghers flooded into the kitchen. Ian grinned and kissed Mick's cheek whenever he walked past him. "You're such a sap", Mickey mumbled the third time, so Ian squeezed his ass in response, making Mickey chuckle.

After dinner, Mickey and Ian stayed sitting at the table with Amy until the other siblings left.
"So, bedtime for Amy", Mickey said and raked his fingers through Amy's long black hair. Amy leaned into his hand with a smile.
"No", she said.
"Yes, little miss, sleepy time."
Amy shook her head and took her already empty cup, knowing she wouldn't have to go to bed as long as she was still eating.

Ian chuckled, "Come on Amy", he said, stood up and picked her up, "Daddy is having bedtime duty tonight, I'll read you a story, you can decide which story while we brush our teeth, yeah?"
"Pirates!", Amy exclaimed, "Buk about Pirates"
"The pirates book, again?", Ian smiled, "Okay, Pirate-princess."

Ian kissed Mickey's forehead, "I put her to bed and then go to sleep, are you staying up for longer or do you want to come and join me?"
"I watch some TV, then I come up."
"Okay. Amy say good night to papa."
"Good-night papa", she said leaned down to him, relying on Ian to catch her.
Mickey chuckled and kissed her cheek, "Good night."

Ian grabbed Wooly from the table and carried Amy upstairs. She tried to persuade him into playing three times, claiming she wasn't tired yet, but as soon as Ian put her into her bed and started reading the pirate story, Amy was sound asleep. Ian read the story to the end though, for Franny, who was sleeping in the top bunk of the new girls' room.

Mickey stayed downstairs, lazily sprawled out on the couch, he hoped no one would bother him anymore for the rest of the night. No person did, but the phone on the coffee table kept vibrating like a sex toy.

It was Ian's phone, he must have forgotten it downstairs, but Mickey was too lazy right now to bring it up.

Since Ian went upstairs, he had gotten thirteen - fourteen - text messages. Mickey had only looked at the phone once, to make sure, it wasn't important, something about work or Lip. It was a contact called "Wes" and the words he was texting definitely weren't about work.

Every time a new message came in, Mickey growled lowly. Weird time to text his husband, wasn't it? Ian had never mentioned a Wes. Mickey tried to keep his jealousy in check. Ian loved him, he was loyal, he was on his meds, he wouldn't cheat on him.

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