12 - The East Coast

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Ian stood in his favourite club. He's been here with Mickey a few times, he didn't really like it. The 48 hours were almost over and by now he really wanted to get back to his boyfriend. None of the other men's flirtations and compliments meant as much to him as Mickey's words did.

He was flirting with some twink right now, who was so kind and bought him a drink, he was basically drooling over his biceps. He barely listened to him, instead, he wondered whether he should leave now, grab his stuff from Nadine's place and go home tonight, or go home in the morning. Mickey had the following day off, he would have enough time to show him all the love in the world and fuck him until the bed breaks.

"I bet you could even lift me with those guns and take against the wall", the twink said with a dirty grin and licked over his bottom lip.
Oh, he would love doing that to Mickey, fucking him like that was some real fun, though he could never carry him for long.
"I could", Ian stated, "Mainly because you're built like a twig", he was tired of it now, he knew his 48 hours were as good as over and he didn't need or want this man's compliments anymore.

The twink looked at him confused when suddenly someone else put himself fright in front of the two. Ian and the twink looked at him – it was Mickey.

"Mick, what are you doing here?", Ian asked.
Mickey didn't answer, he was looking at his phone.
"Hey, dude, what do you want?", Twinkie said.

Mickey held his hand up in front of Twinkie's face signalling him to stop talking, they both looked at him confused, while Mickey folded his little finger in, then his ring finger and Ian realised, he was counting down. Mickey put his phone away when only one finger was up. Then he suddenly has his fist close to Twinkies face and the other hand on his shirt, "Now get away from my boyfriend, faggot", he growled.

Twinkie looked at him with wide eyes and quickly ran off.
"Time's up, Gallagher, hope you enjoyed it... but not too much"
Ian laughed, wrapped his arms around him and kissed him.

"How did you know where I was?", Ian asked.
"You dragged me to this place often enough didn't you?", Mickey chuckled.
Ian grinned and took his hands, "Come on, dance with me"
"You know I don't dance, freckles."
"Come on", he put his arms around his neck and grinned down at him, "Don't you wanna show those guys who want something from me, that only you can get it?"
Mickey started to smile, "How about you dance and I stand there and look good."
Ian laughed, took his hands and pulled him to the dance floor.

Mickey could have very well been a pole, Ian could dance on, but he actually made it to make Mickey move with him. Ian had his arms around him, moving their bodies together, pushing their hips together, he kissed him and the guys around him were jealous, they could feel their jealousy while they were dancing and turning each other on.

Ian started running his hands down Mickey's body, he grabbed Mickey's ass through his tight jeans, pulled him closer and started to kiss him while neglecting the dancing for a moment, Mickey laughed against his lips, he could feel the other people staring at them, not in a way Mickey would hate him. They were judging, he could feel that, but out of jealousy and spite.

"We should go home", Mickey murmured into Ian's ear, "Didn't have you in three weeks"
Ian laughed and kissed him again, then he took his hand and pulled him to the exit of the club.
"I'll call us a cab"
"I've got my car around the corner, Gallagher, spent so much money on food today, not gonna pay a cab too. Also, I didn't drink, come on", he held his hand out towards Ian, who grabbed it and walked to Mickey's car, swaying their arms back and forth, making Mickey laugh at him.

In the car, Ian kissed him again and Mickey wondered, how many drinks other guys bought for him that night.
"It's almost one in the morning", Mickey said, "you think we can still go get your stuff?"
"Yeah, need my Mickey-pillow", Ian nodded, Mickey gave him his phone so he could put in Nadine's address and Mickey could drive there.

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