29 - The Ultimatum

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Ian stayed in his room for two days. Mickey's phone was turned off. He didn't come home again. "He won't come home, you idiot, you blew it for good this time", the nasty voice in his head said.

Ian was sure if Mickey would only listen to what he had to say. If he got the chance to talk about this and explain himself... "You should have talked to him before, moron", the nasty voice in his head said, "Now you're gonna die alone."

Ian still made sure to take his pills but other than that basically didn't move out of his bed.

Eventually, he decided to get up and look for Mickey. Mickey wouldn't come back on his own – if he ever came back at all.

Ian stepped out of his house, determined to talk to Mickey, explain it to him, talk it all out – but then he realised he had no idea whatsoever where Mickey could even be. Where would he go? Their spot? When Ian was upset and ran away, he went there thought it had been the middle of winter.

He walked the way to the high school bleachers. He used the time to think about what he would say to him and how he would even make him listen. He got to their usual spot to the metal post.

"Mickey?", he asked looked around, but he couldn't see him anywhere. There was no trace of any person living here.
"Mick?", he called again, but nothing.

Confused Ian left the bleachers again. Where else could he be? Did he go home to the Milkovich house? That seemed unlikely....

Still, Ian turned around and walked to the Milkovich house.

He stood in front of the house by the fence and looked up at it. The time that Ian and Mickey had spent in here as a couple were still the best two years they ever had, in Ian's opinion. He took a deep break, opened the gate and walked up the steps to the porch. He hesitated again. He could hear loud voices from inside. He remembered, Mickey had told him not too long ago that Terry and his brother, Mickey's uncle Ronnie, who was Sandy's dad, were fighting all the time, which was why Sandy spent more time with mickey at the Milkovich house (honestly, most of the time he was talking to Debbie, what Ian found weird)

Hoping, he would meet Sandy rather than any other Milkovich, he knocked on the door. Then again, would Sandy give him answers at all? She definitely would be on Mickey's side in this. Maybe she would beat Ian up – he really didn't want to get a beat-up from Sandy Milkovich of all people, she was one of the most ruthless Milkoviches.

The door was pulled open and Ian took a step back out of surprise. To top it all of, was it Terry Milkovich who stood in front of him.

"The fuck do you want?"
Ian cleared his throat, "I'm looking for Mickey."
"Thought, he's living at your place.", he grunted.
"No, uhm, he moved out."

Now that let a spiteful grin appear on Terry's scarred face.
"Did the boy finally come to his senses, huh?"
Ian looked at him angrily, "Maybe he left me, but you know what? He's always gonna be into men and cocks. You can't change that."
"I should have put that kid into conversion therapy camp after he came home from juvie, bet that's where they made him like it. Real Milkovich men are into vaginas, he's gonna remember where he belongs."

Ian clenched his jaw, "He's gay, just fucking accept that. You can't change that. And you know what?"
"What, huh?", he grunted.
"He's not gonna be a Milkovich man for long anymore because I will marry the shit out of him and he's gonna take my name!"

Terry stared down at him with wide eyes, before blunt anger was back on his face.
"He's never gonna marry you, little gay carrot boy. Milkovich men marry vaginas and don't take others' names. I will put a bullet in his head before it comes to this."
"Yeah? Fucking try, asshole!"

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