4 - A couple of confessions

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School started again, autumn came, it got colder outside and Ian and Mickey barely got to see each other out of work. Ian was lying in his bed on a Friday night when he received a text from Mickey.

Mick: dad & brotehrs out of town for a couple days

Galager: where are they going?

Mick: cant tell in case 🚔 is checking the phone

Galager: so drug run

Mick: dear policemen 👮‍♂️👮‍♀️ I have no knowledge of my fathers businesses.

Mick: anyway empty house whole weekend 🍆🍑

Mick: mandy spends time with your idotbrother I think

Galager: you having a party?

Mick: dude, Im lit asking you to come over tmrrw🤦🏻‍♂️

Ian looked at his phone screen stunned, wondering if Mickey was on drugs or too sleepy to text correctly

Galager: you're asking me to come over to your house for the weekend?

Mick: yeah you slow

Galager: you're inviting me to a sleepover?😉

Mick: just changed my mind

Galager: no

Galager: didn't mean it🙏🏻

Galager: id love to come

Mick: good, beer, movie, lube, you gotta bring food tho 🍔🍕 or 🌯

Galager: sure, when?

Mick: 7?

Galager: Ill be there😃😃

The next day, Mandy arrived at the Gallagher house around 6 and complained, how Mickey practically threw her out of the house, she suspected Sandy might come over. Though Mandy seemed to be aware that Mickey planned to fuck someone tonight, she didn't get suspicious whatsoever when Ian left the house soon after.

He picked up some burgers for dinner and then went over to the Milkovich house.
he was looking forward to this night. A whole evening, night and maybe even morning that he could spend together with Mickey... in an actual house, an actual bed, with light and stuff. It was like a dream come true.

Ian had a crush on Mickey for years now. His feelings became stronger with every kiss that was not about sex, but just about the kiss, with every soft touch, every look and smile Mickey would give him.

By now, Ian was certain that Mickey had feelings for him too. From the way, he looked at him and spoke to him. Sure, Mickey was part of one of the most dangerous families in their neighbourhood. He had a criminal record, carried knives around, beat people up when he was in a bad mood – but towards Ian he could be so soft and cute, it was hard to believe that this could come from a Milkovich.

Ian knocked on Mickey's door and he let him in and soon after they were sitting with a couple of beers and the burgers on the couch after Ian put one of the bootlegged movies into the DVD player.

Ian was barely paying attention to the screen, he looked at Mickey next to him and thought of his next move. He just wanted to have a normal date evening with him, like other people might have. Mickey's dad wasn't around, this was an ordinary setting, he wanted Mickey to be comfortable enough with him, to be normal for one evening. Like a couple.

A couple that could cuddle on the couch while watching a movie, that would kiss just for the sake of it and make out in the kitchen just because they could, that would spoon cuddle in their small bad inside of an actual house. Maybe he would even tell Mickey about his feelings.

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