37 - Rings & Tattoos

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Mickey finished his cigarette, threw it on the ground and stomped up the stairs to his childhood home. The Milkovich house has a certain smell to it, Mickey could never quite place it, but it always hit him with a memory wave when he entered the house for the first time in a while. And it's been a while since he had been in here.

Mickey's brothers and cousins were sitting in the living room, where Sandy had managed to get them all together: his brothers Iggy and Collin, his half-brothers Olly, Joey and Jamie, his half-sister Jenny and his cousins Charlie, Dshoey and Timmy (who was Sandy's brother)

The Milkoviches were smoking weed and drinking beer, it was around noon, Iggy was the first one to notice him.
"Hey, Mick, what are you doing back here?", he grinned and slapped Collin's arm, "Look who made it fucking home again."
Slowly the rest of the family acknowledged Mickey's presence.

"Heard you're getting hitched to the red Gallagher", Collin said, "Dad ain't happy about it."
"Yeah, I noticed.", Mickey said and crossed his arms in front of his chest, "What about the rest of you, huh? Got anything to say against it?"

"Nah, man", Dshoey said, "I think it's great, since you're gone I can sleep in your bed."
"We're not talking about beds, dim-wit, this is about sides. Terry wants to kill me and Ian and turn our wedding into a live-action version of shoot the faggot. Are you on my side or his, huh?"

Some of the family members looked at him confused.
"Sides?", Jamie asked, "What for?"
Mickey rolled his eyes, "Either you're gonna help dad burning down my wedding or you're gonna help me keeping him out. Easy as that."

"Dude, we didn't even get invited to the wedding", Iggy complained, "And we're your brothers, one of us is your best man."
"I'm the best man, shithead", Sandy said.
"You're not a man, your tits are real", Jamie said and sipped on his beer, Sandy flipped him off.

"You're invited to the wedding if you help me keep Terry out."
"Don't we get an invitation? You're having money for a fancy wedding and we don't even get a real invitation.", Collin said.
Sandy stood up from the couch and disappeared for a moment in the kitchen.
"Could you concentrate on the point here: I know that dad is recruiting uncle Ronnie and whoever fucking else to shoot me and Ian at my wedding. I worked hard for getting that thing, I'm not gonna have it ruined by anyone. All I'm asking of you is to take some guns, come to the wedding and make sure dad stays the fuck out."

Some of the Milkvoiches nodded and shrugged "Whatever, sure, sounds like fun", Olly said.
"What kind of food are you serving?", Dshoey asked, "And do we get cake?"
"I'm still not satisfied with the best-man-issue", Iggy said.
"I'm still waiting for my invitation.", Collin nodded.

Sandy came back with a piece of paper and handed it to Collin.
"Choose your event: Shoot the faggot or Shoot the fag-beater.", Collin read and laughed, "Oh, I get it, Shoot the faggot is Terry's side and shoot the fag-beater is guarding the wedding."
"I don't get it, are you inviting a lot of fag-beaters? Is that a gay-wedding thing?", Charlie asked.

Mickey looked at Sandy, "I forgot how exhausting they are."
Sandy smirked, "But at least we're gonna have protection for your wedding, right guys?"
Now the agreement from the Milkoviches was a bit louder and certain.

"Of course, bro", Iggy said, "We're not letting Terry and the rest crash the wedding. But we're getting free booze, right?"
Mickey shrugged, "I see what I can do."
"And don't worry, I'll be your best man."
"Sandy's my best man."
"That's stupid, how is she supposed to plan your bachelor party? Huh? She's a lesbian."

"So?", Sandy asked, "Mickey is gay, you know what kind of strippers are coming to a gay dude's bachelor party? Not the kind you're hoping to see."
Mickey shook his head, "There aren't gonna be strippers or a party.", Mickey reminded her, "Just you and I getting wasted."

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