9 - 13 Days Later

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Exactly 13 days have passed since their place went up in flames and with it their relationship. Ian wasn't exactly sure if they were actually broken up or not, he just knew, that Mickey had quit his job at the store and refused to talk to him (or Mandy for that matter).

It was Mickey's 21st birthday. Ian had saved it in his calendar on his phone under "❤️🖤 B-Day" but he didn't text him yet, he wasn't sure whether he would text him at all during the day. He had no idea where they were standing right now.

If Ian knew anything, it was that he was in love with Mickey. And especially now, when their relationship was about to collapse, he realized how much he loved him. This wasn't some random teenage love, it was much more. He wanted to be out in the open with Mickey because he wanted to spend his life, or at least the next few years with him. He wanted to move in with him and do stuff together all the time, get take out and cuddle up together when it was cold outside. Yes, it sounded stupid and cheesy and way too early to think like that, but it was what he wanted right now. In a few months, he would be 19 and he would probably have a real job at that point or at least be apprenticing in something. He wanted to spend these years of early adulthood and beyond with Mickey.

But did Mickey want the same? Or even something close to this? Would such a life be even possible with Mickey? Ian had no idea and he also had no way of getting answers, Mickey avoided him and he knew every conversation would end in a fight anyway.

Would it be possible? Living with Mickey like that? Having an adult relationship with him? It wouldn't be possible as long as Mickey only concentrated on keeping them hidden. He had to know where Mickey was standing in the whole matter. But he wouldn't confront him today... it was his birthday, he couldn't make that about himself.

Ian sat at the kitchen table lost in thought while staring at a picture of him and Mickey on his phone. Getting Mickey to make some selfies with him was hard work, but the pictures were worth it. One of his favourites showed Mickey lying on Ian's chest, Mickey was holding the camera and continued to mess up the selfies by sticking his tongue out and making weird faces, which made Ian laugh uncontrollably.

Fiona was ruffling through the kitchen, making frustrated for five minutes now.
Ian sighed deeply and looked at her, "Can I help you?"
"Do you know what happened to the squirrel fund?"
Ian sat up straight, "Is it gone again?"
"No, but I swear at least 200 bugs are missing. Any idea?"
Ian shook his head, "Wasn't me. No one told me anything... Frank, right?"
Fiona sighed too, "Yeah, probably, great", she rolled her eyes, "Okay, I guess he's at the Alibi, you coming with me?"

Ian bit his bottom lip.
"Ian, hello? I could need some support here."
"Mickey is celebrating his birthday at the Alibi today", Ian mumbled.
Fiona groaned, "I told you from the beginning, dating that Milkovich boy isn't a good idea. But you never listen to me. Just come with me and ignore Mickey. We need that money back."
Ian hesitantly got up and left the house with his sister. He thought, maybe Mickey wasn't there yet.

Of course, Ian could never be that lucky. The Alibi was filled with generations of Milkoviches. Frank was sitting at the bar drinking and talking loudly with Terry. Terry Milkovich, the reason his relationship with Mickey went to shit. Ian clenched his jaw when he saw the old, big man. No, he wouldn't fight him either. He looked fucking scary, Ian had almost forgotten how scary he was.

He followed Fiona over to their father. Terry was talking at the moment.
"I got a whore for the boy's birthday today", Terry roared, "He gon' be able to do everything he wants with her tonight, I pay. Dare someone say I'm a bad dad", he laughed loudly.
"Really, now that's funny, I thought your boy wasn't into that kind", Frank answered.
"What kind?"
"Brunettes", and they both laughed.

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