46 - Everything has changed (to the better)

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They were enjoying the beginning of a warm summer shortly after Amy's second Birthday.
A lot has changed in Ian's and Mickey's lives.

"Daddy" was only used by Amy or when referring to Ian in his father role.
Playing Pirate now happened fully dressed and was about Amy jumping on the couch while wielding a toy sword and hunting for treasures in the garden with Mickey.
Role-Playing as Legolas and Gimli only happened when Mickey called Amy Elven princess (Mickey was still taken to Orgasmgard a lot, just not while Amy was in the room)

And yet, Ian and Mickey couldn't be happier.
Recently, Frank moved out of the house and back to Sheila yet again, and Mickey, Ian and Debbie used the chance to turn the new free room into a room for Franny and Amy. Which meant more sex for Ian and Mickey again, if Amy wouldn't decide to sleep in their bed every second night after all.

Ian was in the kitchen, he washed up the last dish and then went to the living room, he would have to go to late shift soon.

Mickey and Amy sat on the couch, Mickey was armed with a hairbrush and sparkling hair ties with fake flowers on them. They wanted to hit the playground in the park today and Mickey didn't want her hair to fall into her face all the time, so he tried to put it into two buns on the top of her head, Ian had never seen his husband as concentrated as when he tried to follow a YouTube Toddler Hair tutorial.

Ian walked around the couch and smiled at Amy, who was playing with Wooly while Mickey pushed a few stray hairs into place.

"Finished", Mickey said proudly, "What do you think." Amy carefully touched the two knots on her head.
"Looks so cute", Ian smiled and stroked over Amy's cheek, "Like two little horns."
"Horns?", Mickey asked and turned Amy around to him.
"Devil horns" Ian nodded.

Amy showed her tiny teeth, formed her hands to claws and growled "Arrgh"
Mickey and Ian both started laughing and Mickey kissed her cheek.

"You're gonna make a lot of new friends at the playground today", Ian said to her and stroked over her head.
"Be careful with that, it's more complicated than it looks."
"Daddy, comf to pak?", Amy asked Ian.
"No, sweety, sorry, Daddy has to go to work. But Tuesday I'm off work, maybe-"

"Tuesday Debbie and I take the girls to the zoo.", Mickey informed him, "But if you're not too tired you can come with us."
"Zoo!", Amy shouted excited.
"Yeah, that sounds good. And Wednesday after that?"
"Doctor check-up around noon, maybe after that?"
"I have a night shift, the following day, I have to get to bed early in the afternoon", Ian said and sighed disappointed, "Maybe I can at least play with her Wednesday morning. Speaking off, I have to run. Have a great day you two", he kissed his husband and his daughter and left the house with slumped shoulders.
"Bye Daddy", Amy shouted after him.

"Okay, Amy, go get your shoes", Mickey said put Amy down from the ground. The girl ran to the front door to get her new sandals. She even put her shoes on by herself (she switched the shoes and Mickey had to take them off and put them on her again)

They left the house and Mickey drove her to the park in her stroller. Usually, they went to a playground closer to the Gallagher house, but since Amy ended up playing with a heroin needle, Mickey didn't want to go there anymore.

The new playground was in a slightly better area. Slightly really just meant slightly, it meant that the parents there wouldn't be passed out while watching their kids. And it meant Mickey would deem the children good enough to play with Amy – this was exactly the plan.

In summer Mickey took Amy to the playground all the time. Ian and Mickey had buried the hatched with Lip a long time ago, they were still wary around Tami though and wouldn't let Amy stay overnight at Lip's place. Lip and Freddie often came with Mickey and Amy to the playground, the park or the zoo when they could afford it. When they went somewhere without Freddie and Lip, Mickey usually sat next to Amy the entire time and built sandcastles with her and played with her.

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