40 - Amy

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This Chapter is dedicated to a little boy named Kevin from Bremen who was born on 23. January 2004 and died in 2006. In Germany, he is also known as "The child in the fridge" I would recommend a Podcast about this case, but it's German. If you want to know more I can Post his Story with the Authors note for the next chapter. But It is very tough.

In this chapter, I describe a behaviour called "silent crying" the child that exhibits this behaviour here is probably too young to exhibit it, but you can live with it.



Mickey had worked the previous night, finishing a double shift, stayed up with his boyfriend until his shift started in the morning and planned to sleep until at least four in the afternoon . He had told Ian so, who had promised to leave him alone when he would come back from work around two, so he could sleep. So, Mickey was understandably annoyed when he was shaken awake by his husband at not even two-thirty.

“Mick, wake up, wake up, it’s important.”
“The fuck do you want?”
“Something happened.”
“What?”, he asked sleepily, he noticed Ian sounded nervous, “Did someone die?”
“Then it can wait”, he turned around and pulled his blanket up to his chin.

“It definitely can’t wait. Mick, get up, get dressed, get down, it’s really important…”, Mickey just groaned, “It’s about Mandy.”
Mickey was wide awake in a split second, he sat up.
“Mandy? Is she here?”
Ian bit his bottom lip and shook his head, “No. But it has something to do with her… I – I can’t explain it, just get dressed in something decent and come down. Please”, he put his hand on Mickey’s wrist to show that it really was a serious matter of great importance to him. Mickey nodded.

Ian went downstairs again. Mickey quickly washed up and put on some decent clothes.
He walked down the stairs to the living room with caution. On the couch sat Ian with a woman in her forties, she looked up when she noticed him and stood up.

“You must be Mr Milkovich, am I correct?”, she said and reached out her hand. Mickey shook it confused.
“It’s Gallagher now, I got married.”, he said and looked over to his husband.

“My name is Portia Moss, I’m with social services.”
“Social services?”, Mickey asked and looked at Ian again. Did Ian initiate a meeting with a social worker without telling him? But Ian just pointed at himself and shook his head.

“Shall we sit?”, Mrs Moss asked and went back to the couch. Mickey followed her and wanted to sit down next to Ian when he noticed her: A baby lay in her baby car seat, which stood on their coffee table, she was sleeping, dressed in a pink onesie, only a few think black hairs were on her head. She had a name tag on her onesie that read “Lucy”

“Mick sit down”, Ian said calmly and took his first. Mickey sat down while still staring at the baby. Then he looked at the social worker and Ian.

“This is Lucy”, Mrs Moss said with a smile, “One month ago, firefighters found her in front of their station house in Dallas with a note and formal documents pinned to her stroller. According to those documents her name is Lucy Milkovich, daughter of an Amanda Milkovich”, she said while taking a file from the coffee table, “As far as I understood, she is your sister?”, she asked Mickey.

“Mandy? You know where Mandy is?”
“The social workers in Dallas of course tried to contact her to get information about the father, but they seemed to have packed up their things and left the night Lucy was found.”
“Mick, didn’t you listen, Lucy is Mandy’s daughter”, Ian said to him.

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