38 - The Wedding

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The day of the wedding finally arrived. Mickey knew from his brothers, that they had stopped several of Terry's attacks on them by "acting stupid and sabotaging him" – Mickey wondered how much of it was actually stupidity and not planned by the brothers, but for the first time in his life, he was thankful to have them and their arsenal of weapons.

Sandy was coordinating all of their stuff being brought to the wedding place because Mickey was close to having a mental breakdown by now.

Ian was looking forward to this day. Just a few more hours and that adorable ball of grumpiness and gay angst was his husband. Mickey had planned every detail of it, while Ian mainly just stopped him from assaulting florists and caterers who either refused to do business with the gays or didn't have his stuff in the right colours. The only thing Ian chose basically on his own was the music to avoid dancing with his husband to songs about suicide and drug abuse (Mickey had pouted about this for a week)

Ian was standing in their bedroom, trying to see anything in their small mirror, while tying his bow tie. Mickey had rented two suits for them, Ian's was black, Mickey's was white. He could Mickey walking through the hallway to their room, "If anything goes wrong today, I can't guarantee for anything. One chair in the wrong colour, the cake's not tasting right or just one fucking petal out of place, I will cut somebody's throat!", he said while coming in.
"You're gonna die off a heart attack before I'm getting my wedding night, huh?", Ian smirked and turned around to him.

Mickey was busy with his bow tie trying to put a knot into it.
"This fucking thing is killing me, who the fuck came up with this? I'm gonna find him, dig up his grave and set his fucking corpse on fi-", he now looked at Ian and stopped talking, he was downright speechless at Ian standing in front of him in the black suit with the little velvet details, "Fuck you look good."

Ian grinned and walked over to him, "So do you, Milkovich", he said and took the bow tie from Mickey.
"Since when are you calling me that?"
"It's gonna be the last day you're having that name, just making good use of it", he said and started tying the bow tie for his soon-to-be husband. Mickey looked up at him while he adjusted his collar and pulled the bow in place.
"This is kind of a turn on."
"Really? I just thought about how cute you look."

Mickey scoffed and Ian chuckled and kissed him.
"Today is gonna be the happiest day of our life, Mick, smile."
"Doesn't have a lot of competition for being the happiest day of our life, right?"
"We had a lot of happy days and happy weeks and months."

Ian took Mickey's hands in his and smiled at them.
"Did you know, when we were kids and you just started letting me hold your hand in public, I always counted the seconds you let me hold your hand?"
"You were such a dork back then."
Ian grinned and nodded, "It was important to me that you let me do that", he simply explained, "Still is.", he kissed his knuckles, "So, time to say goodbye to scary southside thug Mickey Fuck u-up Milkovich."
Mickey smirked, "I'm still gonna be scary southside thug Fuck u-up – but Gallagher."
"I wouldn't have it any other way", Ian kissed him again.


Mickey and Ian arrived at the wedding place. Sandy was managing the place for them well. Everything was in place, everything had the right colour. Two of Mickey's brothers had their guns strapped to their bodies, they came up to them like guards from a military basis.

"Everything's clear so far. Don't know what Dad's planning exactly, but there's no way he gets past us."
"We positioned at every entrance", the other brother nodded.
Mickey looked at Sandy.
"I coordinated them", she assured him.

Ian was looking mildly confused from the guns to Mickey.
"Are you sure this is necessary?"
"You can choose: My brothers and their guns as guards or the real-life version of the Red Wedding from Game of Thrones."
Ian looked at the brothers, "Thank you for your support."

Iggy grinned, "No problem, bro-in-law."
The two went back to their position by the door to the building. Ian frowned.
"You alright?", Mickey asked.
"Yeah, just forgot for a minute that the in-law thing goes in both directions... Terry Milkovich is gonna be my father in law. Like... what the actual fuck."
Sandy raised her eyebrows, she always looked like Mickey when she did that, "Now I see why you all consider Lip to be the smart one. Not a lot of competition. Now, you only got a few minutes, Ian you go to the front there, Mickey you come with me."

While Sandy disappeared with Mickey, Ian took his position in a secluded space near the altar, he took a deep breath. This was actually about to happen. He could see through a few plants how the chairs filled with people. Fiona, her boyfriend, Debbie, Carl, Liam, Veronica, her twins, Kevin, even Frank showed up, Lip's girlfriend Tami, the guys from work, a few friends, even Ned came, who Mickey invited out of pettiness.

Lip came to him.
"So, you ready?", Lip asked.
"Yeah", he said with a smile, he couldn't wait for this any longer, he was shocked that he even ever questioned if this would be the right thing. It felt fucking right. Lip gave a sign to the DJ, the music changed to a soft love song.

Lip looked at him for a moment smiling, he was proud of his little brother, he was proud he overcame his issues, actually talked with his boyfriend and now was about to get married.

"You chose that shit?", Lip asked about the music.
"Absolutely", Ian grinned.
"You're a softie.", he said and hugged his brother.

They walked from the side space to the Altar. At the other end of the aisle, Sandy sent Franny down to the altar now. She looked adorable in her little flower girl dress. She let rose petals fall on the ground on her way until the toddler stopped halfway down the aisle and flipped her basket over to scatter them all in one place, Ian looked at Mickey, but he only smiled, because she was adorable.

Mickey and Sandy now started walking down the aisle. Mickey looked nervous like he couldn't believe this was really happening. Sandy was smiling at her cousin while walking him down the aisle.

When Mickey finally arrived he looked at Ian, like he couldn't believe Ian was still standing here and didn't run off yet. Reverend Sally was doing the ceremony. They stood in front of her, listening closely to what she said, Ian kept glancing at Mickey, who still looked nervous, Ian wondered if he was afraid, Ian might say no and chicken out of the whole thing after all. He had no plan like that whatsoever. He wouldn't leave this place before becoming Mickey's husband.

It was finally time for their vows, They turned to each other, Ian took Mickey's tiny hands in his own and stroked his thumbs over his knuckle tattoos. Ian smiled at him reassuringly.

Mickey swallowed and started speaking while looking into Ian's eyes, "I, Mikhailo, take you, Ian to be my husband. To have and to hold you from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer or poorer, sickness and in health, to love and to cherish you 'til death do us part."

Ian could feel Mickey's hands shaking lightly and now Ian was feeling the nervousness too, to stand here in front of all those people and to really get married to this man he had loved for so long, but it was a nice nervousness, in no way making him want to quit.

"I, Ian, take you", he started smiling, "Mickey", he said though everyone had referred to him as Mikhailo today, "to be my husband, to have and to hold you from this day forward, for better or for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish you, 'til death do us part."

Mickey smiled now too, visibly relieved and happy.

"Now that Ian and Mikhailo", said Reverend Sally, "Have given themselves to each other with these vows and the giving and receiving of rings, I now pronounce you husband and husband."

Ian looked at her, "now?"
"Yes, now"

Ian smiled and then passionately kissed his husband. An intense joy overcame both of them. The people applauded and cheered for them.

They made it.

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