36 - Damn, nice legs

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Ian came home when Mickey was just about to leave the house to go to his shift.
"Hey Redbeard", Mickey smirked while putting his boots on. Ian leaned down to him and pecked his lips, "How long do you have until you need to go?"
"Uhm, about minutes 5 minutes", he put his jacket on, "I'll come back in the morning.", he said and went to the door, "Oh, pirate, make sure you can take your vacation in May, yeah?"
Mickey nodded and opened the door, "May, second, we're getting married, lover, then I want my fucking honeymoon.", he grinned and left the house. Ian smiled brightly after him. He took off his boots and jacket and went to the kitchen.

The rest of the family was preparing dinner.
"Hey guys", Ian said and went straight to his niece, "Hey Franny."
"Uncle Ian", she smiled widely and lifted her arms to him, he picked her up and held her up. He loved his little niece, he loved children in general. Now that Ian and Mickey even had a date set for their wedding, Ian wondered what would come next. Marriage, kids, their own house? Would they have kids? Ian would love that.

After they had dinner together, Carl and Liam watched TV while Debbie put Franny to bed, Ian and Lip were the only ones left in the kitchen, dealing with the dirty dishes.

"We have a date set now", Ian said smiling, "For the wedding."
Lip nodded, "Good for you. And any cold feet symptoms?"
"No, I want to get married to him. He's gonna be my husband and we're gonna be really fucking happy."

Lip smiled, "Good, and you're talking about shit, now, right? Like what your life is gonna be like and stuff?"
Ian looked at the plate he was holding, Lip groaned.
"Shut up", Ian rolled his eyes, "Of course we talk more about shit now than before. But no, we didn't talk about the future in detail... I mean we always talked about moving out when we have enough money, now we're spending it all on the wedding and flowers and shit. But it's okay, we're gonna move out eventually, first, he's gonna get the wedding he wants."

"Just saying, you should probably talk about stuff before you get married."
"Yeah", he sighed, "We will when our schedules aren't so fucked anymore that I'm coming home when he leaves."
"Just make sure you really do, no one in this house wants to live through another Gallavich drama again."
Lip nodded, "Gallagher-Milkovich, when you two fight, or when Mandy and I fought, it always started a fucking hurricane, I don't want to know what happens when Debbs and Sandy are both on her period."
Ian rolled his eyes.

At night Ian was sleeping restlessly, he was tossing and turning in his bed. The fact that there now as a set date did something to him. He was sure he wanted to marry Mickey, but at the same time old fears crept up his spine again. He was disturbed by vivid dreams and sounds the entire night.

Around four in the morning, the door to their room opened and a while later a body lay down next to Ian. A cold body cuddled into his side and Ian wrapped his arms back around him.
"You still awake?", Mickey whispered.
Ian hummed lowly and hugged him tighter.
"Love you", Mickey whispered and kissed his shoulder and Ian knew, they would be fine. They would get married next May and it would be everything he ever wanted when he was younger. He smiled and fell asleep.


A few days later they had an off day together.
Ian woke up early and woke Mickey up with a blow job which quickly turned into Mickey having his ankles on Ian's shoulders so he could fuck and choke him, and with that, the rest of the family was awake too.

When they lay next to each other in bed afterwards, Ian kissed Mickey's neck and his cheek up to his temple.
"You know what I always think when you kiss me like that?", Mickey whispered, "Damn I want some sour coke bottles."
Ian chuckled and kissed his cheek again.

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