2 - The Game is on [smut]

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A few days later, the game really was on.

They snuck into a baseball game, though Mickey didn't care for baseball at all. Mickey didn't pay attention to the game, but to Ian, who stayed impossibly close to him. He always touched his arm and his hands and put his lips close to his ear and his cheek when he wanted to talk to him.

"I wonder", Ian whispered and let his lips almost touch Mickey's cheek, "Can you steal that guy's wallet?"

Ian pointed his head towards the two guys sitting in front of him, they were drunk, and one was smoking a joint, it would be the easiest thing to steal the wallet lying next to the man. Mickey turned his face to him so they ended up face to face, Mickey ran his finger over Ian's wrist, "Why would I?"

Ian fixated his eyes on Mickey's lips, "It would turn me on."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yes, and the more money you have the faster you can get those beads."

Mickey smirked and leaned a little bit closer to him, their lips only an inch away, they stayed like that for a minute, Mickey smirked, when he noticed how Ian swallowed hard and breathed heavily against his lips.

"Okay", Mickey whispered, leaned away again and Ian's eyes fluttered shut, while he tried to regain control over his heartbeat. Mickey grabbed the guys wallet and they stayed for only a few more minutes, before getting out and fucking in a restroom.


The next day, Ian was working, and Mickey had the day off. Ian was sitting at the counter when Mickey came into the store.

"Mickey? You don't have a shift today"
"Can't I go grocery shopping, Gallagher?", Mickey asked and shook his head.
"You mean grocery stealing, huh? You know, Linda will fire your ass and you'll get in trouble with your probation officer."

Mickey flipped him off and went to the snack aisle, he stood in front of the chips and hummed thoughtfully, "Hey, don't people in here get some customer service?"

Ian furrowed his brows in confusion, stood up and went over to him.

"How can I help you?"
"Put your tall ass body to use and get me those chips up there, will you."

Ian smiled, reached for the chips when he turned back to him, he suddenly stood incredibly close to Mickey, he inhaled sharply when he was face to face with him again.
Ian bit his lip and gave the chips to Mickey.

"Thanks", Mickey said and ran his fingers down Ian's apron he was sometimes wearing in the store, he pulled him to him, "This looks so dumb."
Ian smiled down at him, he put his hand on the small of Mickey's back, "Yeah? What if I'd only wear the apron"

Mickey sighed disappointed, "And what good would that do? It's blocking your cock, Gallagher, it would just look dumb and wouldn't make sense. You really aren't good at this, are you?", he ran his hand over Ian's hair and looked at him, starting to smile, "You should grow it out", he mumbled.

"Grow it out?"
"Your hair", Mickey said and looked into his eyes, "Have it a bit longer so I can grab it", he smirked and grabbed the short hairs.

They were just an inch or two away from a kiss again, and Ian could barely take it.

He just noticed that Mickey too had faint, tiny freckles on his Vampire skin, incredibly long, black lashes blocked Ian's view to his bright, blue eyes. He had a tiny scar over his eyebrow and a thin, red cut on his left cheek. He often also had cuts on his lip, but not right now, they looked full and pink and wet from Mickey biting and licking them constantly.

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