27 - Cold Feet

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The next morning, Ian and Mickey were woken up by a high pitched scream and then their bedroom door was ripped open.

"What the fuck?", Mickey asked. Debbie stood in their bedroom, Ian pulled their blanket up, on impulse.
"You're getting married?!"
Mickey looked at her and then at Ian, "Why don't we have a lock for that door?", he mumbled and lay back down, "Get out, ginger"

"We got engaged, yes, Debbs."
She ran around the bed and hugged Ian.
"Thanks, Debbs."
"Get out, Debbs", Mickey imitated Ian's voice.

"We need to celebrate this!"
"Not now"
"Yeah, yeah, tonight though. You're not working tonight, right Ian?"
"Uh, no, I don't think so."
"Good, we're having an engagement party, I'll get some beer on the way home and tell Fiona to bring some pie from Patsy's.", she exclaimed and ran out of the room again.

Ian sighed and lay down again, Mickey turned around to him.
"Is she getting married or are we getting married?"
Ian smiled at him, "We are.", he whispered and kissed him.
Mickey grinned at him and kissed him again.

In the evening Debbie and Fiona organised a party for Ian and Mickey. Beer, soda, chips, leftovers from the diner, loud music. Franny was jumping around with Liam between the adults. Kevin and Veronica congratulated the two of them.

Mickey was grinning the entire evening, the engagement now seemed way more official to him. He loved the thought of being part of this family. Especially the sisters and Veronica bombarded them with questions – who proposed, how was it, did they cry ("Obviously not, Debbie, what the fuck?") when will the wedding be?

Ian was kissing Mickey a lot while dodging the questions. But by the end of the party, they determined that they would get hitched within a week at city hall, without any big party or anything.

"Without a wedding?", Debbie asked, "You can't do that, what's so unromantic."
"We're only doing it to so quickly so I won't have to testify against him in court. I know he didn't do anything, but who knows what those bustard cops will come up with", he shrugged and kissed Mickey's temple, "When that whole thing is over and cleared up, we can have a big party."

Mickey grinned, "Yeah, we don't need some big princess party, with flowers and shit", he said, "A bit more expensive booze though to celebrate."
Ian smirked and nodded, "That does sound good."

"So just city hall and that's it?", Debbie sounded disappointed.
Sandy came over to them with a beer, "Better stay with that plan, if you're doing something bigger, Terry might hear about it and give you a bullet through the head as wedding present."

"You think he'd do that?", Ian asked.
"He's got a picture of Mickey in his room and shoots at it, calls it 'shoot the faggot'."
"So original.", Mickey rolled his eyes, "Ain't a big deal, where you ever at a Milkovich wedding where no one got shot?"
Sandy shrugged, "Good point."
Fiona wrapped her arms around Ian from behind, "Getting some great in-laws there, Ian.", she mumbled, Ian chuckled.


Over the course of the last two years, Lip's life had a few ups and downs. Mickey never paid a lot of attention to him since he was busy dealing with Ian, and Ian was busy dealing with himself and was obsessed with trying to be a better boyfriend for Mickey. Of course, Lip's situation didn't go unnoticed by him and he did try to talk to him and help him, make him get help. But Lip wouldn't take comments or advise from Ian of all people during that time.

He was drinking a lot. He was having an affair with a professor. He got lazy, did a lot of drugs. For some time he really tried with college do hard... but in the end, he was thrown off the college. Scholarship gone. Which threw him into a hole of alcohol abuse and weed.

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