28 - Seashells

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It was two days before they planned to go to city hall to get their marriage licence application and all the paperwork done. Mickey wasn't at home, he said something about having to deal with some paperwork issues for the city hall appointment. Ian was still uncomfortable with calling it the wedding not only because it didn't really feel like a wedding but more like a city hall appointment, but also because he was still uncomfortable with the whole thing.

Ian was entertaining Franny today since he took his vacation now for the upcoming city hall appointment and the stress relating to the robbery. Franny wanted to watch some kiddie TV show, so Ian turned on the TV. Just when he wanted to change the TV station, the news program that was currently running switched to another topic.

"The Chicago police arrested three main suspects in the Jewellery robbery a couple of weeks ago, during which a member of a security company was shot and killed. According to a source within Trystone security, one of the three robbers was the partner of the killed security guard and also on duty that night."

Ian sat on the couch like frozen. He stared at the screen wide-eyed. They arrested the men responsible for the robbery and none of them was Mickey.

It was over.

Ian let out a breath he felt like he was holding for weeks now. Mickey was truly innocent. They wouldn't arrest him for shit he didn't do, Ian wouldn't have to testify in court. It was over and done.

And also... now Ian and Mickey didn't have to get married as soon as possible anymore... they didn't have to get married at all.

But he, of course, couldn't tell Mickey about it like that. He couldn't just cancel the wedding, no, now was the time to really talk about this with Mickey. He now had time to think this whole thing through. He just needed to convince Mickey to postpone the wedding.

Still, he was fucking excited about it now. He felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders.

"Uncle Een", Franny poked his shoulder and pointed on the TV.
"Sure, Franny, sorry", he said and changed the TV station, "You know what, your Uncle Mickey is innocent and won't be arrested by the police, that's great isn't it?"
Franny looked at him confused, "Police?"
"The police leaves Uncle Mickey alone. Good right?"
"Because Uncle Mickey is innocent. So he's gonna stay right here with us."
"Here?", she asked looked around.
"He's not home right now. But he comes back later. Maybe you two can play something then, you like playing with Uncle Mickey, right?"
Franny nodded, "Yes, play with Mr Octy and Splashy. Where is Splashy?", she looked around, "Splashy?", she shouted as if she expected her toy octopus to come running to her. The little girl gasped.
"Splashy is still upstairs"
"Upstairs in your room?"
"In my bed. In mine"
"I go get Splashy for you, Franny."

Ian grinned and went upstairs to get Franny's stuffed animal. He got his phone out to text Lip the good news.

Ian: they arrested the guys who did the robbery they thought mcikey had something to do with! So thats fucking off the table so fucking relieved! Now we dont have to get fucking married anymore 😬 – just gotta trick him into postponeing the whole thing and shit when he gets hoem 🤔 but got a method for that down😉

Ian took the stuffed animal from Franny's bed in Debbie's room and went downstairs again while whistling. Franny put her finger on her lips and shushed her uncle because she wanted to watch the TV show in peace. Ian just laughed, gave Splashy to her and then got some cookies from the kitchen for both of them.


He was waiting for Mickey to come home, he said he would just be gone for an hour at most, but it's been three hours now and he wasn't back yet. Ian was confused, he tried to call Mickey on his phone, but he didn't pick up.
"Maybe the security company wanted him to go back to work right away", Ian thought and shrugged it off.

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