14 - The smell of old men's cum

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The entire Gallagher family, minus Debbie and her daughter Franny, sat in the Gallagher livingroom early in the morning. Ian didn't come home all night, didn't pick up his phone, nothing. While the siblings were worried shitless, Mickey was furious.

For two weeks Ian had talked about night shifts. For two weeks Ian was out of his job. For two weeks Ian had barely ever been home a night. For two weeks he had always taken showers before coming to bed. So Mickey didn't have to ask any questions, the case was crystal clear for him.

Interestingly enough, it was also clear to the rest of the family, and yet both came to entirely different conclusions. Because of Mickey's conclusion, Lip had cuffed him to the bannister, so he wouldn't beat Ian to a pulp as soon as he laid eyes on him again.

Ian came through door whistling – fucking whistling out of happiness and it made Mickey sick. He was surprised to see his whole family gathered here, waiting for him at around four in the morning.

"Hey, guys, what's up?", Ian asked grinning and looked at Mickey, "Why are you handcuffed?"
"So I don't rip your fucking throat out!", Mickey growled and Ian looked at him confused.

Then Ian laughed and went over to him, he kissed him and said, "You're running low on sleep, that's all. Or have a snack."
"You smell like old men's cum", Mickey growled lowly, but Ian didn't look like he even cared.
"Ian, where were you the whole night?", Lip asked calmly.
"Where was I supposed to be? I was at work"
"You quit at the station two weeks ago"
"The station?", he laughed, "Yeah, that's history, got a new job. Man, I'm hungry, do we have something to eat? Mickey, you want a sandwich, too?"

Ian grinned and happily strolled to the kitchen, the other Gallagher's followed him, leaving Mickey behind, still cuffed.

"Ian, are you okay?"
"Yeah, just fucking hungry", Ian said, "You know, I always thought this kitchen looks a bit dull, we should use some colours, especially now when Debbie has her baby soon."
"Debbie had her baby today. We tried to call you, but you didn't show up and didn't answer your phone", Fiona said.
"Oh shit, she had the baby?", Ian grinned, "Where are they?"
"Upstairs, sleeping"
"Oh, I have to go and say hello!", Ian pushed the remains of the sandwich into his mouth and went for the stairs, but Lip pulled him back, "No, they need to rest, Ian, you can say hello later. Tell us where you were all night. We were worried sick and your boyfriend thinks you cheated on him."

Ian looked towards the living room, where his boyfriend stared back at him angrily.  Ian said something with his mouth full of Sandwich.
"Ian, chew that Sandwich, swallow and take that time to think about your words.", Fiona said.

Ian chewed quickly and swallowed his sandwich down, "I don't know what you all want from me, I got a new job that's all. Give me the key for the cuffs"
"Are you sure? He reminds me of a dog with rabies."
"Poor thing", Ian said, "Stop being mean to him"

Lip and Fiona exchanged a look, Fiona eventually sighed and gave Ian the key for the cuffs. Ian ran over to Mickey and smiled at him, he opened the cuff, "There, all better"
Within a split second, Mickey leapt at him, threw him to the ground and sat on his ribs, ready to punch his lights out, but Lip and Carl were right behind him immediately and held his arms back.

Ian smiled up at him, "What put you in a bad mood?"
"What put me in a bad fucking mood? Where were you the entire night, huh? What you smelling like old money for?", he yelled at him, while the other two brothers pulled him backwards.
"Shht, Mick, didn't you listen before? Debbie and the baby are sleeping upstairs.", Ian said, "It's okay, I didn't sleep with anyone Mick", he said and rolled his eyes like it was the most ridiculous thing, "I just have a new job"

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