3 - The Cousin

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The summer break began, and Ian and Mickey spent as much time as possible together, at work they spent a lot of their breaks making out.

It was the last week of summer break, Ian and Lip were alone at home today, it was crazy hot outside so they decided to invite some people from the neighbourhood to their pool, among them also some of the Milkoviches.

Two of Lip's friends and their girls were already in the pool when Mandy arrived.
Ian hugged her, "Hey, without your bodyguard today?", he asked.
Mandy's bodyguard was of course always one of her brothers, because at least one of them often brought her to other places where boys would be to build a kind of tension and fear as insurance no one would hurt the younger sister. More often than not Mickey was this bodyguard and actually Ian counted on that today.

"Our cousin was released from juvie so Mickey spends the day with her."; Mandy shrugged and they walked over to Lip, "I guess they'll be busy the whole day if you get what I mean"
Ian stopped surprised and looked at her, "What?"
Mandy rolled her eyes, "It's family gossip, they're pretty close, it's more or less official that they're fucking around whenever neither of them is in the can. Wouldn't be the first Milkovich cousins to put out a kid"

With that Mandy just closed the topic as if it was nothing and redirected her attention to Lip.
Ian still stood in the middle of the garden... was Mickey seriously fucking his female cousin right now? As far as Ian knew, he didn't fuck random girls right now, because he was busy with Ian all the time and none of his brothers had asked him about girls in his life lately.

Ian gnawed on his bottom lip, a sudden jealousy attack washing over him. He went inside to get his phone.

Mandy stood in front of Lip, smiling sweetly, "Hey"
"Hey", Lip grinned, "You look very pretty today", he put an arm around her and pulled her close, "I'm glad you didn't bring your brothers, I wouldn't do this in front of them."
Mandy chuckled and kissed Lip, who put his hand under his dress to squeeze her ass.

Inside Ian texted Mickey.

Galager: you got time today? got a pool

Ian sat down at the counter in the kitchen and bit his fingernails. Lip came through the door, "I'll get you a beer, you want some ice cream too?"
"Yes, thanks Babe", Mandy called from outside.

Ian turned around to his brother.
Lip walked through the kitchen with a big grin.
"Did Mandy just call you 'Babe'?", Ian asked his brother.
Lip shrugged and opened the fridge, "So, since Mickey didn't come, I'm guessing you're leaving soon?"

Lip was the only one who knew about Ian and Mickey. Not even Mandy, who wasn't only Mickey's sister but also Ian's best friend in the whole world, knew that they had some sort of relationship or were even on speaking or fucking terms for the last 2 years.

"Are you just casually trying to distract me from you apparently having something with my best friend now?"
"Oh, you didn't know? I thought Mandy is telling you everything?"
Ian looked at his phone and sighed, "I don't know, we didn't talk a lot lately... I've been spending so much time with Mickey and whenever I'm around Mandy I have to be careful to not let it slip that there's something going on with him... sometimes I'm wondering why I even bother with Mickey. I didn't properly talk to my best friend in weeks for a guy who is probably fucking a girl right now."

Lip nodded, "You know my opinion to the whole thing with Mickey Milkovich.", he stated, "But aren't you also fucking other guys all the time?"
"That's not the same. When I fuck guys it's because Mick and I don't have a committed relationship or any kind of, I don't know, rules. When he's fucking girls, it's because of his insecurities."
"Yeah... no, sounds the same to me. But, hey, you do you, luckily I got the slightly less complicated Milkovich."
"Mandy and less complicated?"
"I said slightly.", Lip rolled his eyes, and he left the kitchen again.

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