22 - Honeymoon?

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Mickey spent a few more hours in St. Louis. He smoked a few cigarettes, ate a sandwich and slept in his car. Early in the morning, he watched the sunrise from his car. Ian loved sunrises, especially when he was manic. It couldn't go on like this. He had to bring Ian to a hospital if he wanted to or not.

He couldn't promise anyone anything about staying with Ian, taking care of Ian through all of this. He didn't know if he was strong enough for this. But one way or another, Ian needed help.

He arrived back at the house around noon. He walked up the steps to the porch and took a deep breath. Ian will go to the hospital today.

He opened the door and stood in the middle of what seemed like an intervention already. Ian sat on the couch with a scowl while Fiona and Lip were talking down on him. They stopped and turned to the door when Mickey came in. He briefly wondered, why they weren't at work or college.

"Where have you been?", Fiona asked. Ian jumped up from the couch and hugged Mickey.
"Finally, Mick, tell them I'm not crazy!"
Mickey gave the siblings a look and then turned to Ian.

"Ian, listen, you have to go to a hospital. You're not having control over yourself, you need to get help."
Ian looked at him angrily and shoved him away from him, "Et Tu, Brute?"
Mickey rolled his eyes, "Don't be so fucking dramatic, Ian. You need to get help."
"No! Leave me alone, I'm fine! I'm not crazy! Maybe you're the one who's crazy"

Ian wanted to storm off, but Mickey grabbed his arm and shoved Ian against a wall.
"Listen, you little fuck! You're gonna pack your things and then I'm gonna drive you to the fucking psych ward and you'll get help. I don't give a fuck anymore if you want it, either you come with me voluntarily or I'm gonna knock you out and put your body on the steps of the next nuthouse so they can deal with you there!"

Ian looked at him shocked. "Now, go, upstairs, get your things", he barked and pushed Ian upstairs. He watched him like a hawk while he put his things together. Downstairs Mickey led him outside. Mickey took his things from him, opened the door to the back of the car and put the bag into the car when he turned around to Ian again, a fist suddenly landed in his face and he felt himself being pushed into the car and then the car started driving off.

Mickey needed some time until he was capable of moving and seeing again. His face was pulsating with pain. He groaned and looked around confused. He sat up, he was lying in the back of the car, Ian was sitting in the front, driving.

"Ian?", Mickey mumbled.
"Good, Mick, you're awake."
"Ian, what are you doing? Did you fucking hit me?"
Ian only blinked and did not react to the accusation.

Mickey crawled to the front of the car and sat on the passenger seat.
"Ian, turn around, you have to go to a hospital. "
Ian laughed, "Hospital, no", he shook his head, "I promised I would never again let either of us be locked away. Never. We're going somewhere nice, Mickey, somewhere warm where no one wants to lock us away."

"Ian, we don't want to put you into a fucking prison, okay? We just want you to be healthy again."
"I am healthy", Ian grinned, "I never felt better, Mickey"

Mickey looked around, the side of the road was covered in snow and Mickey knew, any dangerous action could end in a car crash. He would have to wait until they stopped if he wanted to use force to get Ian's ass back to Chicago. He probably should put him into the trunk and drive him straight to the next nut house.

"Well, where are we going?", Mickey asked.
"Callie", Ian grinned widely, "There's no snow in California, just summer sun, drinks and the ocean."
"Why California of all places?"
Ian laughed, "Why California? You remember how happy we were last year, Mickey? So happy at the beach, just the two of us. And you hate the cold and snow, Baby. We'll have a great honeymoon in California."

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