44 - I'm just a dumb heater

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I have a pronounciation exam this week -.-
And next week I have exams in civil law and Math/Logic. The week after that in Linguistics and Sytax (that's one exam together tho)
And THEN I will still have to write some fucking paper on RL Stevenson.
Kill me now


It's been two days since Tami's outbreak in their home. Tami hadn't tried to reach out, but Lip had texted and called a few times. Ian and Mickey were just too exhausted and too angry to deal with him.

Mickey came into the bedroom after a long day with Amy, he had been at the doctors with her, went grocery shopping with her and was alone with her the entire day, because Ian took a double shift and came home after ten.

Mickey yawned loudly and crawled into bed to his husband, who sat leaned against a pillow and was reading a book. Mickey looked at him and pulled on his t-shirt.

Ian smirked, took off his shirt and handed it to Mickey, "And if I'm cold it doesn't matter, or what?"
"You're practically a heater, freckles, you'll be fine. Also, if you bring that body closer to mine, you won't be so cold anymore."
Mickey put on his husband's shirt, it was warm and big and smelled like Ian and sweat, but not enough to smell disgusting.

Ian smiled and put an arm around his husband, who leaned against him, "Just let me finish this"
Mickey looked at the page, "The fuck are you reading?"
"Book about parenting."
Mickey looked up at him with raised eyebrows, "Why?"
"Because I'm a parent?"

Mickey nodded, "Yeah, but I'm doing more parenting stuff than you, so are you just reading this to then criticize everything that I'm doing, because you think you know shit better than I do though I'm spending my entire day with her? Because that will end up being the reason for our divorce."

Ian closed the book immediately and put it into the space between the bed and the wall, "Well, I'm just a dumb heater, let me heat", he said and wrapped both arms around his husband.
Mickey chuckled and kissed him, "You're not just a dumb heater."
"You're so nice", he smiled and ran his hand through Mickey's hair, "Do you think I'm doing not enough with Amy?"

"No. We agreed to this: I took the time off to take care of her while you go to work. And don't you think I noticed that you spend every free minute you have with Amy?"

"I just don't want her to forget about me. There are days like today, where I didn't even see her awake once. And she already loves you much more than me... you can calm her down better than I can, she doesn't make such a fuss when you change her..."
"That's just because I spend more time with her, not because she doesn't like you."

Ian sighed against Mickey's hair.
"But since you started the topic, we gotta talk about what we do when my vacation time ends."
Ian nodded, "Since we both agree that we're not giving Amy to Lip and Tami even if they would offer, I guess we have to look for affordable day care. We can't leave her with Frank all the time."

Mickey bit his bottom lip, "Actually," he mumbled, "I was thinking about something different."
"Yeah, what?"
"We can't afford a good day care, also we're both working in shifts, that doesn't work with day care either. Amy needs special care; she could never make the progress she's made so far in a day care."
"Yeah, I know, but what alternative do we have?"

Mickey scratched his nose, he shrugged, "I could stay home", he finally said, "For the long run the only option is for one of us to quit his job and stay home with her for the next few years. You love your job and it's paying well, while I'm underpaid, it's a pretty shady company and since the whole robbery incident no one is trusting me there anymore anyways."

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