50 - Lucy?

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⬆️ Amy with that hair 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
(Btw that's me)

Amy was already dressed when she finally came down to. After breakfast she wanted to meet Laura to "work on a school project" – they really should do that, but Amy could tell they wouldn't get much done today. It was way too nice outside and Ronnie and his friends would hang around the skate park. Laura often insisted on going there to watch the boys and flirt with Ronnie's friend.

She had her eye glued to her phone while jumping down the stairs. She stopped when she noticed that her family was by the couch rather than the kitchen. They looked up when they heard her on the stairs.

She needed a moment to notice the stranger sitting on the couch between her fathers, she had her back turned to her still, so she could only see her black hair. She noticed Johnny standing timidly by the couch, looking warily from the woman to his fathers. The only sound came from a little kid with brown hair, who was stumbling around the couch.

When no one spoke, Amy asked confused: "What's going on?"
Only now the woman on the couch, who had watched the little boy in the meantime, noticed her toon, she flinched and stood up.

When she turned around, Amy's eyebrows shot up much like her father's often did. The woman looked strange and familiar at the same time. She didn't need long to place her face, although she was much, much older than in the photograph, Amy had no doubt: The woman in front of her was Mandy. Her biological mother.

For a moment Amy felt like she was looking into a mirror, or as if someone had put an ageing filter on her. She recognised the same hair, the same eyes, the shape of her nose, mouth and face that all seemed to be too similar to her own.

"Lucy", Mandy said delightedly.

'Lucy?' Amy wondered but didn't say anything. Mickey and Ian exchanged a look but made no effort to correct her.

Mickey crossed the way through the room until he stood next to Amy.
"Your aunt Mandy", he said and emphasised the title, "Came by as a surprise. She would like to stay here for a few days and... get to know you."

Amy looked from him to the small boy, who was tugging on Mandy's hand. Was she here to drop off the next kid after her and Johnny? Or, worse, was she here to claim them? To take them away from her fathers? No way in hell!

At the thought, Amy felt rage boiling in her stomach again, like she did when she first heard the story of being Mandy's daughter.
Get to know her? No! Too little too late. Amy didn't want anything from this woman and she definitely didn't want to be her daughter again.

"Fuck that", Amy spat, stomped to the door, picked up her shoes and jacket and left the house.

Neither of her parents called after her. Ian and Mickey knew she would need some space and time. She just came to terms with Mandy being her bio mom and she had made clear that she didn't want this information to be acknowledged or talked about.

They understood that this was a lot. Even for them, it was a lot. Mickey was still overwhelmed with happiness and worry and Ian was very quiet, not sure what to say.

Mandy sighed and sat down on the couch again, she picked up the youngest child.

"Johnny, why don't you take the pancakes from the kitchen and go upstairs for a while?", Ian said finally. Johnny nodded and quickly ran to the kitchen, relieved that he didn't have to stay in the room for much longer.

Mickey sat down next to Mandy again. They waited until Johnny was upstairs, then Mandy sobbed and buried her face in her hands, the toddler patted her back and babbled something.

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