A Paradise for all

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3rd person POV:

In the medical bay of the Anti-Angel HQ, (Y/n) entered to see Misato with several machines hooked up to her.

After a few days of pumping the photon blood out of Misato's body, Ritsuko finally allowed him to visit her.

Silently he took a seat next to Misato's bed.


She slowly opened her eyes to see (Y/n). After a moment passes, she smiles while trying to reach his face.

In her current condition, she was too weak to fully lift her hand, so (Y/n) grabbed her hand and placed it against his cheek for her.

Misato:(smiles) You're...okay...

(Y/n): Physically, maybe, but seeing you like this isn't doing me any wonders.

(Y/n): I'm sorry.

Misato: Don't apologize. I, alone, am to blame for my current condition.

Misato: Good news is, I'll be back to my old self in a few weeks.

(Y/n): But how long will you be around...?


(Y/n): I know about the damage the photon blood did to you. I know all about how you have a much shorter life span because I wasn't around.

Misato: (Y/n)...

(Y/n): Misato... I... I don't want to lose you so soon.

(Y/n): I still want you in my life.

Misato: (Y/n), don't you worry. I'm not going anywhere soon. And even if I was, you wouldn't be alone.


(Y/n): Misato... I'm ending this war. Today. No matter what, I'll save the dreams of everyone.

(Y/n): You may not like what I have planned. But it will work.

Misato: I trust you...

(Y/n):(smiles) Thank you. Rest easy now. I'll see you when you wake up.

Leaving the room, he meets up with Asuka and Rei.

Asuka: Ready?

(Y/n): Yeah... Let's go.

(Opening theme)

(Smart Brain arena)

Two bikes drove up to the large arena where many gathered inside to see the upcoming fight.

On the Auto Vajin was (Y/n). On the Side Basher was Asuka and Rei who sat in the side cart.

(Y/n): This is it...

Rei: This is where what could be our final battle, is going to take place in.

Asuka: Doubt it's that simple. But if this is the final fight, let's make it a grand one!

While revving up their engines to go in, Lilith arrived in her rider form.

While revving up their engines to go in, Lilith arrived in her rider form

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