Something special

638 17 13

3rd person POV:

(Several months ago)

With a rope around his leg, (Y/n) was being dragged across the ground by Riottroopers riding their motorcycle to an unknown location.

When the troopers let go of the rope, young (Y/n) took a moment to recover before attempting to get up.

But when (Y/n) noticed something looming above him, he knew he was in trouble.

But when (Y/n) noticed something looming above him, he knew he was in trouble

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He began running, only to find he was sinking into the Angel's shadow. Desperately he tried to escape any way he could, but it was a fruitless endeavor as he sunk fully into the shadow.

Darkness surrounded him with silence as his company.

There was no ground for him to stand on, no possible way to get his bearings.

He was completely lost in the Angel's shadow until he finally saw something. Blood red arms applauding.

 Blood red arms applauding

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That word was said in every voice he had ever heard, at the same time.

(Y/n): For what...?

"For getting yourself kidnapped like a moron"


A sudden feeling of drowning came over (Y/n).

"It's time to go to sleep. Maybe this time you'll find something to dream about."


"Just let it happen."

(Y/n):(mind) N-no! I don't want to die! I can't!

???/???: (Y/n)...


(Outside the angel)

The large car-sized, orb-shaped Angel began bubbling. It was as if something inside it was punching it from the inside.

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