Delta, beyond her heart: part 1

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3rd Person POV:

(Ding dong)

Toji and Kensuke ringed the apartment doorbell of (Y/n). The door opened to reveal a woman in a red jacket.

 The door opened to reveal a woman in a red jacket

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Misato: Hello? Can I help you?


Toji: Well...

Kensuke: We're (Y/n)'s classmates, Aida and Suzuhara, ma'am.

Misato: Aida and Suzuhara?

Kensuke: Yes-

Toji: I'm Suzuhara.

Misato: Aren't you the boys that were near the angel battle?


Toji: We're sorry for causing trouble!

Toji: The reason we came here today is that (Y/n)'s been absent for a while ever since, so we came to see if he was okay.

Misato: (Y/n)? He's busy with a few Smart Brain courses he needs to go through.

(In the Smart Brain tech industry HQ)

(Y/n): Finally... It's over...

(Y/n):(mind) Can't believe she made me go through all that just because I didn't listen to one little order...

???: Your energy seems to be low! Here, have some water!


Turning around, he sees a woman in blue with the Smart Brain logo on her chest.

(Smart Lady)

(Y/n): Who are you?

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(Y/n): Who are you?

Smart Lady: Teehee... You don't know?

Smart Lady: I'm the mascot of Smart Brain. You can call me Smart Lady!

(Y/n): Uhh... Okay?

She hands him a bottle of water.

Smart Lady: Now remember... To be smart, you need Smart... Smart Brain that is!

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