An Axel-larated menace

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Within her lab, Ritsuko studied the data she gained from Next Faiz, and compared it to the original Faiz Gear.

Ritsuko: What's this?

Something quickly caught her eye, on the data the plug suit provided versus the same data the suit itself provided. The plug suit revealed a strange wave pattern, something akin to radio waves being radiated out of the Next Faiz gear.

Ritsuko: Odd...

Ritsuko:(mind) According to these readings, Yn's brain waves-

A sudden hug from behind caught Ritsuko off guard.

At first, she believed it to be her old friend Kaji, but the propertions of the person were off compared to Kaji.

Yn: Ritsuko... I'm so confused...

Ritsuko: So am I... What are you doing Yn?

Yn: What do you mean?

Ritsuko: Why are you hugging me?

Yn: It's perfectly normal for siblings to hug. Or should I say mothery and son?


Ritsuko: What are you talking about...?

Yn: You... Your mom... My dad... Jeez, what a messy relationship, am I right?

Ritsuko: How!?

Turning around, she found Yn twirling the Faiz phone XX+.

Yn:(smirks) I know a good gossip girl.

Yn: Can I be honest? I've lost a bit of respect for you... Like... What is it about my dad that made you go...

Yn: Mommy's sloppy seconds? Yes, please!


Yn: Okay, okay, okay... Pfft... Okay... To the reason I'm here.

Yn: I want to see my father. In his office.

Yn: I know you're going to see him to give some report on the Next Faiz gear. I'm gonna tag along.

Ritsuko: I'm not bringing you.

Yn: Hahaha! You think you have a choice. No wonder my dad thinks you're cute.

Yn: But, yeah. I'm coming. Don't tell him. And... Well... SEELE doesn't have to get involved.



Yn: Bye~

He leaves the room and Doctor Akagi is now concerned over the Next Faiz's influence over the boy.

(Opening Theme)

Gendo watched Ritsuko enter his office, followed by Yn, who immediately took her report right from her grasped and approached his father.

Yn: You can go now.


Gendo:(fixes glasses) What is the meaning of this?

Yn: Huh? What's wrong? I thought you'd want a first hand opinion over the Next Faiz gear.

Yn: By Faiz himself.

He tosses the file into the trash.

Yn: It's better than your crap by a mile.

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