Kaixa strikes

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3rd person POV:

Gendo: Correct, I have already arranged it with the committee.

Gendo: The cargo left from Sasebo port yesterday and now is making its way here across the Pacific Ocean.

(In a helicopter)

Misato, Kensuke, Toji, and (Y/n) were in a Smart Brain helicopter flying towards the sea.

Kensuke: Oh! A MIG-55 D transport helicopter! I never dreamt in a million years I'd get to ride in one!

Kensuke: Thank god I have a friend like you (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Glad you're happy, your military otaku.

Misato: I thought you guys must be sick of being cramped up, so I just invited you on a date.

(Y/n): Don't call this a-

Toji: Date!? Really?!

Toji: I bought this cap just for today, Misato!(fixes white cap)

(Y/n): As you're friend, I'll do you do the favor of forgetting what you just said.

He turns his attention to the Smart Brain briefcase, containing the Faiz Gear, on Misato's lap.

(Y/n): So where are we going?

Misato: Were taking just a little jaunt across the Pacific onto that cruise over there.

(Y/n): Cruise?

Looking over her shoulder, (Y/n) sees a fleet of warships called "Over the Rainbow". The Pride of the UN.

(Opening theme)

A girl watches from a distance as a Smart Brain helicopter land.

Once Kensuke got out, he began fanboying over all the military equipment while also filming it for his blog.

Kensuke: Oh cool! Awesome! Incredible!

Kensuke: Mega-cool!

Kensuke: This kind of thing brings a tear to the heart of a real man!

(Y/n):(mind) Just looks like a bunch of iron tubs with guns.

Toji's hat is blown off his head by a gust of wind.

Toji: No! Wait!


(Y/n): So why did you bring the gear?

Misato: Just in case an angel attacks the city you can be sent right to it instead of risking going into the base to get it.

(Y/n): Huh...

Toji: Stop stop!

He continued to chase his hat that was being blown by the wind.

A girl then stepped in the hat.


Girl: Hello, Misato. How have you been?


Misato: Fine. How 'bout you? You've grown some, haven't you?

Toji tried to get his hat from under the girl's foot.

Girl: I'm not just taller, but my figure has filled out as well.

(Y/n) stared, unimpressed at the girl with his hands in his pockets.

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