#Faiz is back

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3rd person POV:

Asuka: What the hell is this!?

She shouted while looking at her phone.

Rei: I believe they call that a phone.

Asuka:(mumbling swears in german)

Asuka: I meant the post I was looking at on the phone.

Rei: I know, I was joking to help better your aggravated mood. Did you not realize it by my tone of voice.

She said in her normal monotone-esque voice.

Asuka: Oh, whatever...

Asuka:(reads phone) "Alien ship interrupts statue reveal at Geo front memorial"...

Asuka: "(Y/n) Ikari goes up to confront aliens alone".....

Asuka: "#Faiz is back"!?

Asuka: I take one goddamn nap and this happens!?

Rei: We should contact (Y/n) to see if he's okay.

Asuka: He better be okay. I swear if he got himself killed before we got married...

Calling (Y/n), Asuka puts ber phone on speaker.

Phone: The number your trying to call is currently busy trying to receive other calls-

Asuka: Tch...

Rei: Call Alpha.

Asuka: I know...


Alpha:(on phone) Hello future missis Asuka Langley Sohryu Ikari, how can I help you today?

Asuka: Where is my fiance?

Alpha:(on phone) He's 10600 meters above Germany. Along with him are two beings from an alternative reality.

Alpha:(on phone) One is an organism similar to Rei Ayanami and the other is a teen version of you cosplaying as a pirate claiming to be thirty.

Rei/Asuka: Huh?

Alpha:(on phone) Yeah it's pretty crazy. Did you know they have porn?

Asuka: The girl who looks like me and is currently with my fiance?!

Alpha:(on phone) No, the alternative universe people on the ship. You want me to send you some?

Asuka: No! Just put (Y/n) on the line.

Alpha:(on phone) Sure-.... Nevermind... That's going to be a problem.

Rei: Why?

Alpha:(on phone) Because he's outside the jet, 10500 meeters above Germany....10400....10300...


(Opening theme)

(A few moments earlier)

Inside the jet flying towards Ikari's last known location, was (Y/n), Sohryu, and Q.

(Y/n): So what's with this project Genesis you keep mentioning.

Q:(yawn) It's a rider gear. The rider gear to surpass all rider gears or something... I don't really know, it hasn't been tested.

Sohryu: If it's so strong, then handed over.

Q: Did I not tell you already? It's specially made for (Y/n) Ikari. It will not work for anyone else.

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