End of Kamen Rider: part 3

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3rd person POV:

Asuka fought with everything she had in her against the Riottroopers, but no matter how many times she attacked them, they would always get up and continue as if nothing happened.

As she grew more and more tired, the troopers began landing more and hits upon her. All that damage began mounting up. Eventually, they piled on top of her and began relentlessly attacking her.

The Kaixa armor began chipping away as they continue their onslaught.

Asuka:(in pain) GHAAAA!!


All the Riottroopers were sent flying away from Asuka. Whilst the troopers slowly got back up, Asuka saw Faiz Blaster walk up to her along with the Auto Vajin.

 Whilst the troopers slowly got back up, Asuka saw Faiz Blaster walk up to her along with the Auto Vajin

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Asuka: Took you long enough...

(Y/n): I'm sorry... I'll take it from here.

Asuka: Yeah... Ju-(grunts)... Just steal the win after I weakened them...

(Y/n): Thanks for that.

He turns towards the Riottroopers.

(Y/n): So this is it... The end of Kamen Rider.

(Y/n): I'm ready... So come on!

Part 3: The Complete End

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Part 3: The Complete End.

(Opening theme)

(Lilith holding room)

Gendo put down his briefcase with the Omega symbol on it as Rei removed all her clothing and stood in wait for the CEO of Smart Brain to commence with his plans.

Ritsuko: I knew I'd find you here.


With a gun in one hand pointing at Gendo and a controller of some kind in her other hand, she stood a few feet away with a smug look in her eyes.

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