The will to make a miracle

955 38 24

3rd person POV:

Rain poured heavily outside. It hid the sky from the view of all.

To save his friends from a soaking wet fate, (Y/n) invited Kaji and Kensuke inside.

Toji: Thanks man, you really saved us from that rainstorm.

Kensuke: Faiz! The man who protects people from Angels and falling water.

(Y/n): The last part is just extra credit.

Kensuke: So where's Misato?

(Y/n): Probably asleep. She's been putting in a lot of late-night work.

Kensuke: She does have a tough job.

Toji: We should be quiet, don't want to wake Misato up.

Asuka: EH!?

Asuka: What are you two doing here!?

(Y/n): Trying not to catch a cold?

Asuka: You guys are after me, aren't you?

Toji: Hell-

(Y/n):(sarcastically) Of course! We lonely boys simply could not resist the urge to see you, oh all mighty Asuka!

Asuka:... Piss off!

She goes to change.

Toji: What was that?

(Y/n): Giving her what she wants sarcastically. It's a new tactic I'm trying to get her to leave me alone.

(Y/n): It seems to confuse her.

Misato then comes out of her room in her usual work attire.

Misato: Hi, how's it going?

Kensuke: S-sorry to disturb you!

Misato: Don't worry about it.

Misato: (Y/n), don't be late tonight, we're having a test.

(Y/n): Yeah, yeah...

Misato: Did you hear that Asuka?

Asuka:(in the distance) Yeah!

Kensuke then notices the badge on the collar of Misato's jacket.


Kensuke: Congratulations on your promotion!

Toji: Congratulations!


Misato:(smiles) Thank you. Well, see you later.

She leaves.

(Y/n): What was that about?

Kensuke: Didn't you see her badge? The number of lines increased to two.

Kensuke: Meaning she's now a general.

Asuka pokes her head out from the other room with Pen Pen.

Asuka: Really? I didn't notice.

(Y/n): Huh... Smart Brain has some weird promotion ranks for a tech company.

(Y/n):(mind) Then again... The Anti-Angel department could be more militaristic...

(Opening theme)

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