Smart Brain files 9: The truth of Rider

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3rd person POV:

(Top Secret)

Gendo: Kamen Rider...

Gendo: How were they made?

Gendo: How are they able to damage Angel's?

Gendo: Those questions can be answered with Angels, Photon Blood, and AT fields.

Gendo: Let us begin with Photon Blood.

Gendo: It is energy in a more physical state. You can consider Photon Blood to be many things...

Gendo: The original form of the universe, or the source of everything... With it... Everything is possible.

Gendo: Photon Blood can be used to create all kinds of things. Take the Angel's for example.

Gendo: Through their veins, Photon Blood flows, granting them many unique abilities.

Gendo: The AT field that makes these Angels impossibly strong, is just a natural form of Photon Blood manipulation.

Gendo: The riders have a thin layer of Photon blood which allows them to damage an AT field.

Gendo: The design of the Rider gear is completely based on Adam, the original Angel. The rider cores are based on Lilith and the raw Photon blood we..." extracted" from her.

Gendo: Third Impact... If an Angel comes in contact with Lilith, it will occur.

Gendo: The same would happen, theoretically, if an Angel uses a rider gear, due to the core being based on Lilith's.

Gendo: And that's why I had Seeda destroyed instead of rescue.

Gendo: There's also the question of why children can become riders...

Gendo: It's not that children can become riders... It's that everyone who can become a rider is a child.

Gendo: After the second impact, Photon Blood particles mixed into the air which has caused a... "Sudden evolution".

Gendo: Children born after the second impact have a new gene that allows them to "tolerate" Photon Blood exposure unlike anyone else, amongst other "abilities".

Gendo: This gene, of course, is not active in all children. Those who have this gene active is a rider.

Gendo: Do you have any more questions?

Smart Lady: Hmmm... Nope! Except for the several other questions you have to answer.


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