Returning from where we left

605 22 3

3rd person POV:



Transforming into Axel form, (Y/n) starts up his counterattack on the invading Riottroopers

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Transforming into Axel form, (Y/n) starts up his counterattack on the invading Riottroopers.

Start up.

(Battle theme)

(Axel Crimson smash)

Several red photon drills appeared above the nearby Riottroopers. And in quick succession, they began drilling into the troopers before exploding and destroying them.

Some tried desperately to escape but failed.

(Boom, boom, boom⁴)

Delta and Kaixa noticed those explosions. They couldn't help but assume the worse until a grey blur moved across the battlefield, knocking all the nearby troopers away from them.




Time, out.



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Flicking his wrist to the side, (Y/n) glances back at the girls.

(Y/n): I missed you two.

Asuka/Rei: (Y/n)?!

(Y/n): Surprised?

Asuka: Yeah... What took you so long!?

Rei: It has been quite some time.

(Y/n): I'll explain later. Now, we need to take out these troopers.

Asuka: Ya think, Captain obvious?

Rei: I'll provide cover from afar and take out any that pass you two as you lead the assault.

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