Smart Brain files 7: Faiz Blaster

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3rd person POV:

(Top Secret)

(For authorized personnel only)

Gendo: My name is Gendo Ikari. The CEO of Smart Brain. I shall talk about the Faiz gear's ultimate weapon.

Gendo: The SB-555T Faiz Blaster.

Gendo: To understand its origin, I must first talk about The Spear Of Longinus

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Gendo: To understand its origin, I must first talk about The Spear Of Longinus.

Gendo: To understand its origin, I must first talk about The Spear Of Longinus

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Gendo: This spear is a weapon that both original Angel's possessed.

Gendo: In my recent expedition to the artic, I retrieved one spear and the remains of another.

Gendo: With the remains that were retrieved was crafted the SB-555T.

Gendo: By inserting the transformation code and the Faiz phone into the SB-555T, it along with an SB satellite, overcharges the Faiz armor with Photon Blood.

Gendo: Note, the satellite and SB-555T is not required for Faiz to achieve Blaster form but are simply aids.

Gendo: Theoretically, Faiz can simply overcharge his core or have another Photon blood source overload him to achieve Blaster form.

Gendo: Onto Blaster form itself.

Gendo: Blaster Form, the most powerful form of the Faiz Gear

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Gendo: Blaster Form, the most powerful form of the Faiz Gear. The amount of Photon Blood that the Faiz Gear produces increases to the extreme where it overflows from the Photon Streams and spreads itself over the Sol Foam and the Sol Metal, changing their color to red.

Gendo: Faiz also receives a new, more powerful, set of Full Metal Lung with a backpack-like device attached to it called Photon Field Floater that releases constant waves of Photon energy to give Faiz Blaster flying capacities.

Gendo: Photon Field Floater can be used as powerful energy cannons called the Bloody Cannons.

Gendo: Faiz's signature Crimson Smash attack has been powered up significantly.

Gendo: The Blaster Crimson Smash is so tremendously powerful that damaging Photon Energy waves radiate from the point of impact and destroy everything around it.

Gendo: All of these new abilities and more, except for his Crimson Smash kick which can be performed without the Faiz Pointer, are accessed by inputting codes into the Faiz Blaster.

Gendo: Which can transform into Blaster and Blade modes for the Photon Buster and Photon Breaker Exceed Charges.

Gendo: Which can transform into Blaster and Blade modes for the Photon Buster and Photon Breaker Exceed Charges

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Gendo: Photon Buster Mode, makes the Faiz Blaster functions like a powerful energy pump-action shotgun.

Gendo: The Photon Buster finisher is performed when the SB-555T fires a powerful and large blast of Photon Energy with the Bloody Cannons which either add to the attack or act as support for Faiz.

Gendo: The Photon Buster finisher is performed when the SB-555T fires a powerful and large blast of Photon Energy with the Bloody Cannons which either add to the attack or act as support for Faiz

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Gendo: Photon Breaker Mode to which the Faiz Blaster functions like a thick bladed lightsaber-like sword made from solidified Photon Blood.

Gendo: The finisher, Photon Breaker, causes Photon Blood to pool up to create a giant bladed construct of the blade, sharp enough to cleave through theoretically anything.

Gendo: While in Photon Breaker Mode, the Faiz Blaster can also be used in place of the Faiz Pointer to shoot a stream of energy and perform a similar, but more powerful Exceed Charge called the Neon Crimson Smash.

Gendo: Other features of the SB-555T include full control of all rider vehicles.

Smart Lady: You said that the spear that was in bits was used to create the SB-555T.

Smart Lady: Why didn't you use the intact spear.

Gendo: It was to prove the concept, that we could reforge the spear into something we can use more efficiently.

Gendo: Now that we've proved it... We can start work on the intact spear of Longinus.

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