Neo Trio

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3rd person POV:

(School/lunchtime )

With a pile of vending machine bought snacks, Toji happily got ready to eat.

Toji: Lunchtime! Oh, lunchtime! The single miracle school has brought into this sad world!


Asuka: You forgot to make lunch for us?!

(Y/n); Sorry, I was too tired and forgot. I was stuck dealing with some kind of Faiz fan group.

Asuka: What kind of excuse is that? I was busy all day dealing with my adoring fans! You don't see me complaining about it!

(Y/n); That's because you love the attention.

(Y/n); Listen...I'll make whatever you want for tomorrow, just calm down.

Asuka: Hmph! You better keep your word, or I'll never let you live it down.

Toji: What kind of husband and wife quarrel is this?



Asuka/(Y/n); Shut up! It's not like that!

(Opening theme)

(SB Anti-Angel HQ)

Misato leaned against Ritsuko's desk as the doctor herself seriously looked at her computer screen.

Misato: What's with that expression? Is there another money-making scheme in the works?

Ritsuko: It's Smart Brain's new trio.

Misato: New trio...?

Ritsuko: With the success that Faiz, Kaixa, and Delta had in their missions together.

Ritsuko: A secondary division of Anti-Angel combat has developed a new set of Rider gear specifically made to work together with each other.

Misato: Wait, does that mean we're on the look for the next three children?

Ritsuko: We already found them.


Misato: Why haven't I received a report about this?

Ritsuko: You'll get it tomorrow.

Misato:... I feel like something is being hidden from me.

Ritsuko: You know everything you can know.

Misato: Okay...Who are they?

Ritsuko shows three pictures to Misato.

Misato: Eh? He's one of them?!


(Y/n), Asuka, Rei, Toji, and Kensuke were walking through the halls getting ready to leave.

Kensuke: So how does it feel being truly famous?

Asuka: Love it!

Rei: Indifferent...

(Y/n); Hate it.

Kensuke: With that attitude, the Kaixa fan club is going to overtake the Faiz club.

(Y/n); I don't care. Who came up with these clubs anyway?

Kensuke: SB itself.

(Y/n); Of course...

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