End of Kamen Rider: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Things weren't looking bright as more of the headquarters was being taken over.

Makoto: This is brutal... I'd rather be fighting an Angel right now.

Shingeru: Of course this is brutal, the HQ was never meant to withstand an invasion like this.

Misato: Release Bakelite through all passages to section 803.

Shingeru: Right!

Misato: That should buy us some time...

Makoto: Misato! The 42 section is cut off. The third child cannot advance!


She was horrified and knew what had to be done.

Misato: All none combat personnel should avoid engagement with the enemy.

She begins loading her gun.

Misato: We're dealing with pros, so if you can't fight, then you're better off surrendering.

Leaning in, she whispers into Makoto's ear.

Misato:(whispers) Take over for me.


She rushes off towards (Y/n). But it didn't taker her long before she ran into trouble.

 But it didn't taker her long before she ran into trouble

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Part 2: Bare your sins

(Opening theme)

(War room)

Makoto: The only thing I can say... Is that this is insane. HQ was never meant to withstand an invading army.

Everyone takes out a gun and prepares for a shootout.

Shingeru: Slowly but surely they've been cutting our defense budget...

Shingeru: It almost seems like this was all planned from the beginning.


The invading forces break in through the wall and begin to attack.

After loading a gun, he hands it to Maya.

Shingeru: Here, take it.

Maya: I can't! I can't shoot this!

Shingeru: You passed basic training, right?

Maya: Shooting a target is different from a person!

(Bang, bang)

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