The (Last) Faiz

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3rd person POV:

(The S.S Last Dream)

Ritsuko was busy at work until she heard the click of a gun and a cold metal object against her head.

Gendo: Hello doctor Akagi.

Ritsuko: How did you get in here?

Gendo: Out of all the questions you could ask, is that really the one you want to be answered?

Ritsuko: You're answer this, why would you do all this?

Ritsuko: Your plan will only lead to the destruction of the planet. You'll get nothing.

Gendo: I can do nothing but help my son with his purpose.

Ritsuko: Purpose?

Gendo: The 15 years he was missing, you all believed he was flying around the solar system.

Gendo: But in reality, he traveled to meet the ones that created it all.

Ritsuko: What are you on about?

Gendo:(sigh)... I thought you'd be smart enough to figure it out.



She is knocked out by Gendo, who then locks down the lab to continue his work while Lilith sits quietly and waits.

(Opening theme)

After working on the motorcycle for some hours, (Y/n) managed to get it working.

(Vroom, vrooooom)

Asuka: You got it working?

Cleaning off the oil on him, (Y/n) answered.

(Y/n): Yeah... But I don't know how well I did. Need to give it a test drive.

Asuka: Leave it to me. You go get changed. No way I'm letting your oil-covered ass sit behind me and get grease in my hair.

Asuka: It hard enough to keep it clean.

(Y/n): We don't really have spare clothing.

Asuka: Q found something. Talk to her.

Jumping on to the motorcycle, Asuka went off on a test drive. (Y/n), after talking to Q was able to change out of his plug suit.

 (Y/n), after talking to Q was able to change out of his plug suit

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(Y/n): Really baggy... But it'll do.

Q: It's a miracle that there was something that fit.

(Y/n): What a strange miracle.

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