What is your dream?

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Gendo sat in his office researching the Next Faiz gear, an object that had to be created by Smart Brain, but the who was a nearly impossible to answer.

Gendo: What is your origin...


There was a new presence in the room and Gendo could sense it.

Gendo: You must be this "Faiz Lady".

Behind him, the Faiz lady stood.

FL: Did you somehow manage to fiddle with the Next Faiz gear?

Gendo: No.

FL: I see.

Walking around the desk, the Faiz Lady pulled out another Faiz Phone.


(Faiz Phone X)

She flips it open

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She flips it open.

FL: There are forces at play. Bigger than the Angel's. Bigger than SEELE. And bigger than you...


Gendo: You wish to make my son the new CEO. And are using the Next Faiz to manipulate him.


Gendo: Will you tell me why, before you kill me?

FL: It's a cycle. Minor changes here and there... But the beginning, middle, and end are all the same.

FL: Only one man can bring about a new phase of life... The Next phase...

FL: That man is The Next Faiz.


Gendo: Yn...

FL: No. Not the boy with no dreams. But the man I need him to become.


Burst mode²

Gendo pulls out a black rider phone, shooting her shots out the air

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Gendo pulls out a black rider phone, shooting her shots out the air.

(Bang, bang, bang)²

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