Heart to hearts: part 1

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3rd person POV:

(SB Anti-Angel HQ)

After being released from the hospital, (Y/n) was now sitting in the HQ inside the Geofront.

In his hands was the Faiz phone, which was now allowed to be in his possession constantly as a self-defense weapon against any possible Angel attacks against him again.

He stood around with Asuka and Rei, in wait of Misato who was supposed to give them some kind of news.

As he waited, he stared at the Faiz phone, entranced by its aura, weighed down by the responsibility placed on him. He then realized that weight was a person, more specifically, Asuka, who was leaning on him.

Asuka: What are you looking at?

Asuka: What are you looking at?

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(Y/n): Can I help you?

Asuka: Yeah. You can answer my question.

(Y/n): I was just looking at the Faiz phone while deep in thought.

Asuka:... Were you monologuing to yourself?

(Y/n): What? No!

Asuka: You totally were! Did you finally grow an ego to monologue about yourself?

(Y/n): I wasn't monologuing!

Asuka: What do you think wonder girl?

Rei: I've seen it happen many times in shows. It is possible.

Asuka: See, she agrees with me.

(Y/n): That doesn't prove anything! And will you get off me?

Asuka: Get off? Do you know how many people would pay to be in your position right now?

(Y/n): Do you know how few fuc-

Misato: Sorry I'm late.

Rei: What is it that you wish to tell us about?

Misato: After recent events, we're sending you three to the second division base.

Asuka: What?!

Misato: It's just until we upgrade our systems until we're confident that another Angel doesn't slip under our radar.

(Y/n): What if an Angel attacks during this?

Misato: Don't worry about it, we have it all figured out.

Asuka: Ugh... Do we have to go?

Misato: Did I mention that the second division base is at a beach?

Asuka:... Never mind.

Rei: When are we leaving?

Misato: Today. Consider it your vacation.

(Opening theme)

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