(Somewhat) familiar

492 21 0

3rd person POV:

((Y/n) mind)



"They were never supposed to be there, together. That planet should have never ended up that way."

"And now, it's simply a mess."

"But from that error came you...the being that ascended past what we believed was possible for your species."

"Hey...wake up...!"

"Go. Get rid of the originals, they have failed..."

"Dumbass...! I ain't carrying you, so get up...!"

"Revive the planet for your new species. And those who remain, you may-"



Asuka swings her fist at the unconscious (Y/n). Suddenly opening his eyes, he catches Asuka's fist and stares straight into her eyes.


As she looked into (Y/n)'s eyes that had a tint of red in them, Asuka felt as if he was staring straight through her very being.

(Y/n):.... Asuka?

Seemingly realizing what was going on, (Y/n) let's go of Asuka's fist and looks around to see he was in the wreckage of the cargo jet.

(Y/n): What happened?

Asuka: We blew Adam up and crashed landed because of it.

(Y/n): Kaworu! What happened to him? To Mari? And the Next Faiz?

Asuka: How the hell should I know? Probably dead.


(Y/n): No...

Asuka: Oh don't you dare start mopping. We're in this mess because of you!

Asuka: Now let's go!

Grabbing him by the arm, she begins to drag him to his feet and out of the wreckage of the Cargo jet.

Outside, the two met up with Q who had placed something into a backpack before tossing it onto her back.

Asuka: What did you put into the bag?

Q: Project Genesis.

Asuka: The hell is that?



Looking back at the burning jet, the trio all gained a bad feeling.

Asuka: Crap...

Grabbing Q's wrist, Asuka quickly rushed to drag both her and (Y/n) away from the burning cargo jet.

Grabbing Q's wrist, Asuka quickly rushed to drag both her and (Y/n) away from the burning cargo jet

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