In the still dark where the riders shine

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3rd person POV:

Misato entered the elevator, as she did, the Captain heard Kaji shouting.

Kaji: Hey! Hold up!

Misato:(repeatedly presses the close door button)

At the last second, Kaji sticks his hand in between the closing doors, allowing him to get in.

Kaji: Phew! I got in.

Kaji: Man... I've never had to run this much in a long time!

Misato: Tch...

Kaji: So what's with that black expression?

Misato: It's from seeing your face this early in the morning.

Outside, in the city, (Y/n), against his better judgment, called his father on a payphone.

Gendo:(on phone) What do you want?


(Y/n): Ol-

(Y/n): Father...

Gendo:(on phone) What? Hurry up.

(Y/n): I'm supposed to tell my parent that there's this interview for advanced vocational education, that's being held at my school.

(Y/n): Just thought... Maybe you'd like to know or... take part in...

Gendo:(on phone) I've delegated things like that to Captain Katsuragi.

Gendo:(on phone) Don't bother me with such nonsense.

(Y/n): Tch... Your right. It was a mistake to even try talking to you.

Gendo:(on phone) Don't forward any-

The line cut out.


(Opening theme)

In the testing bay of the Smart Brain anti-Angel base that resided in the Geofront, Ritsuko and the other workers become confused when all the power goes out.

The crew then look at Ritsuko.

Ritsuko:... It's not my fault.

Misato, who is stuck in the elevator with Kaji, waits eagerly for the backup generators to kick in.

Sadly, in the war room...

Shingeru: The backup circuits aren't working.

Kaouzou: Impossible! Which circuits are functioning?

Maya: Only 9 out of 2,567! We're operating at 1,2% power!

Kaouzou: Connect all remaining power to the Magi and Base Central!

Shingeru: But that could interfere with life support systems.

Kaouzou: Do it!

On the surface, Makoto, who was carrying Misato's dry cleaning for her, was on his way to work, until he noticed all the street lights go out.


(Y/n), Rei, and Asuka were walking together towards the Smart Brain anti-angel base for their daily check.

Asuka: Maybe Commander Ikari was just busy?

(Y/n): Doubt it. It was less like he hung up and more like something failed and the line was cut halfway.

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