Welcome to Paradise

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3rd person POV:

(Geofront/Lost Paradise)

Deep underground in a large open cavern that is filled with trees and animals was a little village like area next to a pyramid-like structure that has seen better days.

In the middle of this large cavernous room, was a large hill made of the remains of buildings that seemingly fell from above.

In between the village and the building, graveyard was boy in military clothing holding a camera.

In between the village and the building, graveyard was boy in military clothing holding a camera

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Kensuke: Kensuke's log... Part 479...

Kensuke: The Riders have been out for a while, however, the people they saved have already arrived.

Kensuke: What could this-

Kensuke: Wait...

Using his camera, Kensuke zooms in on a car driving towards the village.

Kensuke: There back!

(Opening theme)

In a rush, Kensuke dashed towards the village while talking to someone on his walkie talkie.

Kensuke: Yo, Toji! The riders are back! Meet me at the entrance! Like we planned.

Toji:(on radio) Sure.

Putting away his communication device, Kensuke focused more on running, until he found Toji near an arching sign covered in a tarp.

Putting away his communication device, Kensuke focused more on running, until he found Toji near an arching sign covered in a tarp

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Toji: Hey.

Kensuke: So, you ready?

Toji: Yeah... Tell me again, why we're doing this?

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