A human work

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3rd Person POV:

Waking up in the usual matter, (Y/n) makes himself a simple breakfast which he enjoys with Pen Pen.

Misato then walks into the room with messy hair and barely any clothes.


Misato: Good Morning...

She then cracked open a can of beer and downed the whole thing. With a satisfying squeal, she finished it.

Misato: Now that's how you start a morning!

(Y/n): You know, people usually start their day with coffee or cereal.

Misato: A traditional Japanese breakfast begins with rice, Miso, and sake.

(Y/n): No, I think that's just the Misato breakfast.

Misato: What is that supposed to mean?

(Y/n):(coughing) Alcoholic!

(Y/n): By the way, who was supposed to do the cooking today?


(Y/n): I think I get why you're still single at your age.

Misato:(eye twitching in anger)

Misato: Well, excuse me, but are you saying I'm lazy?

(Y/n): And sloppy. Don't forget about sloppy. Horrifically sloppy I might add.

Misato:(pouts) Leave me alone!

(Y/n): Don't worry, I'm done.

He begins to wash the dishes.

(Y/n): So, you're really going to come to my school today?

Misato: Of course, it's your parent-teacher meeting after all.

(Y/n): Right... I guess you are the lesser evil compared to my old man.

(Y/n): But aren't you busy with work?

Misato: It's no problem. It's part of my responsibilities as well.

(Y/n): It's part of your job?

(Ding dong)

Ready to go, (Y/n) opens the front door to see Toji and Kensuke.

Toji/Kensuke: Good morning, Ikari!

They pop their heads into the apartment.

Toji/Kensuke: We're taking off now, Misato!

Misato pops her hand out and waves making the two boys cry tears of joy.

Misato: Take care!

(Y/n): Tch...

The three leave.


Misato: It's good to see him be able to express himself more...

She says while making a call.

Misato: Hello.

Misato: Yes. Keep a guard around him.

(Opening Theme)

Looking out into the distance from his class window, (Y/n) sees some of the destruction caused by the flying fortress angel incident.

A car then zooms into the parking lot at high speeds and drifts perfectly into a parking space.

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