There (will) be sacrifices

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3rd person POV:

Q, Kaworu, and (Y/n) were face to face with the so-called children of Faiz.

Q, Kaworu, and (Y/n) were face to face with the so-called children of Faiz

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The female in light pink, Sparkle. The tough one in green, Grand. And their leader in red, Crimson.

Kaworu: The Next Faiz... Or a few of them at least.

Sparkle: Father, what's the meaning of this? You should be here so soon.

(Y/n): I don't remember giving birth to any of you or impregnating anyone, so don't call me father.

Q: We're currently busy, so can you all leave us alone...?

Grand: Father, why haven't you enacted your plan?

(Y/n): What plan?

Sparkle/Grand: The-

Crimson: Calm yourselves. It's obvious... Something's gone wrong.

Crimson: Do you remember anything between the 15 years you were gone?

(Y/n): I don't.

Crimson: I see. Perhaps that's for the best. Gives us more time to serve our purpose.

(Y/n): And that is...?

Crimson: Assure the safety of the planet until you arrive.

(Y/n): Really? That's good to hear. That means we're not enemies.

Sparkle: Of course, not, we would never go against you, father.

(Y/n): Again with the father...

Kaworu: I do enjoy our little family reunions, but sadly there's one specific member we're looking for.

Grand: Is it Adam?

(Y/n): Yes.

Crimson: 10 kilometers north from here. You can't miss him.

(Y/n): Thanks for the information.

Crimson: We're already in the middle of making sure no civilians are in the general area of Adam.

Crimson: Once we're done, we'll find you and help out.

Q: Huh... This has gone much better than our last encounters.

Sparkle: You are to blame for that.

(Y/n): Q, why don't you take them up in the air with the cargo jet? They could get things done much faster.

Q:... Do I have to?

Kaworu: He makes a point. We're going to need allies. And if they're willing...

Q:(sigh of annoyance)


She walks back to the cargo jet.

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