Masked party

560 19 1

3rd person POV:

(Smart Brain HQ)

Riottrooper: He went this way!

(Y/n): Tch!

Running through the SB building as fast as he could whilst being chased by riottroopers, that were shooting at him.

(Y/n):(mind) Need to find a window... Any window. It doesn't matter what floor I'm on, as long as that rust bucket is nearby-

Tripping, (Y/n) tumbled to the floor.


Riottroopers: We have him now! Fire!


As they fired upon (Y/n), Gendo arrived and lifted his hand.

An AT field then appeared and reflected the shots back at the guards.

An AT field then appeared and reflected the shots back at the guards

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(Y/n): An AT field!?

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(Y/n): An AT field!?

Gendo then used his AT field to push all the Riottroopers back.

(Y/n): So you're one of them...

Gendo: This is nothing but a "benefit" from having Adam being fused with myself.

Gendo: Do you wish to end this all?


Gendo: Adam shall soon take over me and rise once more to rule this world.

Gendo: Humanity will fully be wiped out, once that occurs. He'll see that through himself.

(Y/n): But let me have a plan?

Gendo: It would be more accurate to say, I've repurposed my old plan.

(Y/n): What's your plan then?

Gendo: You.


Gendo: You must defeat Adam. Doing so will free everyone from his influence.

(Y/n): Why me?

Gendo: Two reasons. Faiz blaster is the only weapon that could harm him. Second... Because of your Angel transformation.

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