The will of Gendo Ikari

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Camera POV:

Gendo stared straight into the camera with an intense stare.

Gendo: If you are viewing this, then I have died. And my plans have failed.

Gendo: To begin with...

Gendo: All my belongings and the entirety of Smart Brain itself is to go to my son, (Y/n) Ikari.

Gendo: Now (Y/n)... My final message to you.

Gendo: I do not if you are viewing this. I even expect that you would refuse to watch this.

Gendo: And handing over Smart Brain, might make you think I'm manipulating you... But what I'm about to say now is the truth.

Gendo: I have failed you... And in death... This is all I can do for you.

Gendo: Try to understand...

Gendo: When I was young, life was not kind to me.

Gendo: I only knew hate from others. Until I met Yui. Your mother.

Gendo: She taught me many things... And showed me, love.

Gendo: And she gave me you.

Gendo: Our family was the most important thing to me.

Gendo: But when I lost her...

Gendo: I became scared... Horrified... Of you.

Gendo: I would have never been enough for you. So I pushed you away, as far as I could without truly letting go.

Gendo: I left you with a machine masquerading as your teacher as I began setting up a plan to bring back Yui, who was taken from us.

Gendo: Without her, I could never be what you need.

Gendo: Take this information how you will.

Gendo: I have said my peace.

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