Where Angels stay, they lay

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3rd person POV:

Rei: Fire.

Burst mode.

(Bang, bang, bang)

Rei, in her Delta form, was shooting at (Y/n) in his Faiz form.

Rolling to the side to avoid her initial shots, he took out his Faiz phone and turned it to its gun mode.


Burst mode.

(Bang, bang, bang)

The two riders were now in a shoot out with each other.

Photon blasts fired across the room until...

(Click, click, click)

They ran out of charge.

Rei: Charge!




And like that, their shootout continued.

(Bang bang bang)

Faiz then gets a lucky strike in and hits Rei in the shoulder.


(Y/n): Oh! Sorry! I-


She shot him in the chest.


Misato:(on intercom) Okay, that's enough training you two. Report to the war room.

(Y/n): Okay then...

(Opening theme)

Rei and (Y/n) enter the war room.

Rei and (Y/n) enter the war room

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There they met Misato.

(Y/n): So what's wrong?

Misato: Angels.


(Y/n): Why hasn't the alarm gone off yet?

Misato: Because we haven't confirmed anything yet.

(Y/n): Can you give us more detail?

Misato: We've gotten reports of creatures in an old abandoned school in the country.

Misato: Based on the descriptions, they might be angels.

Rei: Do you wish to send one of us to investigate?

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