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3rd person POV:

(Y/n) suddenly gasped for air as he woke up to the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling.

Taking a moment to look around, he realized he was in a hospital bed, therefore he concluded that he was in a hospital.

The obvious aside, (Y/n) sat up. Sore and bruised, he truly felt the impact he endured.

Laying back down, he stared back at the ceiling.

(Y/n):..... Ow.

Misato was flipping through news channels in a tent near the explosion site of the angel. All the channels were spreading the knowledge of the Angels to the public.

Misato:(fans self)

Misato: Public scenario B-22, as we thought.

In the background, scientists and the cleanup crew were inspecting the explosion site.

Ritsuko: At least our public relations people are getting thrilled with something to do.

Misato: Aren't we being too casual?

Ritsuko: No. I'm pretty sure we all are scared to death.

Misato: Of course we are...

(Opening theme)

(Y/n) stared out of the window, wondering when he would be set free.

The sudden opening of doors drew his attention away from the window and towards a nurse who was pushing an injured Rei past him and towards a new room.

Rai's eyes met his as she passed him.

(Y/n): Hey...




Misato and Ritsuko were driving away from the sight of the angel fight. Ritsuko was on the phone with a medical staff member from the hospital (Y/n) was in.

Misato: Ah~ air conditioning. Mankind's greatest invention.

Ritsuko:(puts phone away)

Ritsuko: (Y/n) woke up.

Misato: How is he?

Ritsuko: His body is sore but that's to expected from tanking a self-destructing angel point-blank.

Ritsuko: Other than that, his mind is apparently "a little fuzzy".

Misato: You don't think it's might be brain damage, do you?

Ritsuko: The doctor said not to worry.

Misato: Easier said than done. He did have a pretty hectic day.

Ritsuko: No, what's easier said than done is getting him to stay and continue to be Faiz.


Misato: Yeah, I have to do that, don't I?

Misato: Well I'm sure he'll stay.

Ritsuko: What makes you so certain?

Misato: He became Faiz to help someone. There's still a lot of people to help.

Misato: For that reason alone, I believe he'll continue being Faiz.

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