Axel to the test

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3rd person POV:

(Smart Brain CEO Office)

Ritsuko: I finally finished the SB-555W.

Gendo:....(smirks) Good work.

Gendo: Have you updated the Faiz gear to receive it?

Ritsuko: Yes.

Gendo: This should do nicely to impress the pitiful man the UN is sending. Now leave me, I must make a call.

Ritsuko: Understood... I'll see you tonight.

She leaves the room, leaving Gendo alone to make a call.

His phone rings for a few moments until someone answered.

???:(on phone) Yes?

Gendo: I need you to send three.

???;(on phone) Hmph... Very well. When do you need them?

Gendo: In three days.

???:(on phone) Three days?! How am I supposed to do that without alerting SEELE?

???:(on phone) This is one of those requests in which they shouldn't know about, right?

Gendo: If you wish to meet him sooner than planned, then get it done. This should convince those old fools to change up their plan.

???:(on phone).... I'll see what I can do, but I cannot promise anything.

The call ended.

(Opening theme)

(Y/n) laid on top of his school's roof while listening to some music on his Walkman.

Today, Rei and Asuka weren't at school. Instead, they were busy working on their cooperation with each other using the same dance tactics he and Asuka had once done.

(Dance Studio)

Misato: Hmm...

Maya:(awkward chuckle)

Misato stared at the two female riders, who wore the exact same clothing.

Misato stared at the two female riders, who wore the exact same clothing

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Asuka: One of us needs to change.

Rei: I'm fine with this. If you require to change, I shall wait for you.

Asuka: This is my outfit! You're not stealing my style.

Rei: I haven't stolen anything. I'm merely wearing the clothes provided to me.

Asuka: They better provide something else!

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