Smart Brain files 6: Faiz Axel

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3rd Person POV:

Ritsuko: Welcome back to another one of these...

Ritsuko: Whatever this is... Is being called a special treat because with me today are all three riders.

Ritsuko: Introduce yourselves.

Asuka: I, Asuka Langley Sohryu, have returned, at the request of my many fans!

(Y/n):(mumbles) You have fun?



(Y/n): Jeez, sorry!

(Y/n): Anyway, I'm (Y/n), the guy who apparently has a weaponized boombox in his arsenal!

Ritsuko: Let it go...

(Y/n): When I'm six feet under.

Rei: And I'm your Delta gal! Rei... Ayanami!


Asuka: The hell was that!?

Rei: Oh silly, that's just me giving the audience a razzle-dazzle rider Rei welcome!

Rei:.......(reads script)......(holds peace sign)

(Y/n): My god... The sick bastards are making her follow the crappie script!

Asuka: Ugh, that thing was horrible! They wanted me to be some kind of school girl type character or something involving super girly-ness.

Ritsuko:(mumbles) How did I get rope into this...

Ritsuko: Anyway, today we'll be talking about the SB-555W Axel watch, and the form it allows Faiz to access.

Asuka: Ugh, did you bring me here to talk about his stuff?

(Y/n): Yeah, why is she here?

Ritsuko: I don't know, I didn't plan this.

Ritsuko: The watch itself...

Ritsuko: The watch itself

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Ritsuko:... Is a device that Faiz uses to access Axel Form, thanks to it containing the Axel Mission Memory which, when placed in the Faiz phone allows Faiz to transform into Axel Form.

Ritsuko: Once in Axel Form, Faiz presses the Starter Switch on the Faiz Axel watch to start the countdown in tandem to the 10 seconds.

Ritsuko: After 10 seconds, Faiz Axel Form will revert back to his basic form.

Asuka: Why is there a 10-second limit?

Ritsuko: Right now, it's to prevent (Y/n) from either melting and or turning into photon blood.

(Y/n): What!?

Asuka: (Y/n) goo... Ewwww...

(Y/n): That's what you got from that?!

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