One trip to the store

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3rd person POV:

The majestic bird, known as Pen Pen was in the bathtub.

Floating in the middle of the tub, he was in the process of achieving inner peace.

Asuka:(in the distance) I can't go on the trip!?

Pen Pen failed.

Asuka, Misato, and (Y/n) were sitting around the table.

Misato: Correct.

Asuka: Why not?!

Misato: Because you're on standby for combat duty.

Asuka: This is the first I'm hearing of this!

Misato: Well, now you know.

Asuka: Who in the hell decided that!?

Misato: Me, the operations planning manager.


She turns to (Y/n).

Asuka: Hey, why don't you stop slurping that tea, and say something!

Asuka: Be a man!

(Y/n): Fine...

(Y/n):(clears throat)

(Y/n): Something.

(Y/n):(sips tea)

Asuka: You cheeky-

Asuka: That's not what I meant!

(Y/n):(sigh) Listen...

(Y/n): I expected that this was going to happen.

Asuka: And you've already given up?

(Y/n): Basically. I see no reason to fight a losing battle.

Asuka: How pathetic! Nothing worse than a man who gives up so easily.

(Y/n): You're no better...

Misato: I know it's hard... But there's always the chance of an angel attack.

Asuka: It's either standby or standing by. Ugh... This is no fair.

Asuka: Why don't we go and find them, instead of waiting for them?

Misato: We would if we could.

Misato: Just look on the bright side.

(Y/n): And that would be...?

Misato: Fixing your horrible grades.


Misato: Did you think I didn't know anything about your grades?

Misato: Finding out your grades is as easy as pressing a button.

Asuka: The old-fashioned grading system is meaningless to me.

Misato: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

(Opening theme)



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