Smart Brain files 10: family tree

476 19 1

Kaworu: After (Y/n) Ikari's transformation into an Angel during the Third impact, his family tree has grown, and as such, shall be discussed here.

Lilith: The purpose of this recording is to explain to (Y/n) to lessen his inevitable confusion once he returns.

Kaworu: At the top of this family tree, are the Creators.

Lilith: Beings with god-like power, that create beings such as Adam and myself to give planets life.

Kaworu: Since (Y/n) ascended to the level of Adam and Lilith... Gendo Ikari is technically on the same level as them on the family tree.

Kaworu: On the next tier, is Adam, Lilith, and (Y/n).

Kaworu: Originally there was only Adam and Lilith.

Lilith: Yes. Before I fused with the aspect of me known as Rei, Adam and I both ended up on earth.

Lilith: Two angels were never supposed to be on the same planet. And so we fought and caused the first impact.

Lilith: Both of us were left in a comatose state where he was eventually found and split into two.

Kaworu: And where she was found, crucified, and had several clones of her made in the image of Yui Ikari, (Y/n)'s mother.

Kaworu: Wait... We forgot about Yui. She's technical at the top as well.

Lilith: Add her to the tree then.

Kaworu: Let me just get a nail...

Lilith: As he does that, I'll mention humanity and Angels.

Lilith: Technical they are the same, with the difference being that one spawned from me the other Adam.

Lilith: Adam chose power, whereas I chose intelligence. But the mutation of humans into Angels has created a fusion of the two sides.

Lilith: Both does two sides shall not be classified as children, seeing as they were created because of our purpose, not truly choice.

Lilith: Both Adam and I were not conscious at the time of humanity and Angel's creation.

Kaworu: Alright, let's move on to the big three's true spawn.

Kaworu: Adam has me, the reincarnation of his soul.

Kaworu: Lilith had the Rei clones before they fused back into her. Now all she has is Q.

Lilith: Finally, (Y/n) has the Children of Faiz otherwise known as The Next Faiz.

Kaworu: I've heard rumors that some of them have started families, making (Y/n) a grandfather, but I have no proof.

Lilith: Let's go over it once more.

Family tree:

1) Makers.

The creators.

(Gendo and Yui Ikari)

2) Prime Angel's. (Three siblings)



(Y/n)-(after ascension)

3) Offspring of the Prime Angel's.


Q.                                 Rei's-(formerly).

The next Faiz.

4) Honorable mention:

(Humanity) (Angel kind)

Lilith: And that is our family tree.

Kaworu: Somewhat chaotic, but what family isn't?

Q:(arrives in room, sipping juice box)


Q: Why are there pictures and names nailed to that tree?

Kaworu: It's our family tree.

Q: Okay...? But why didn't you just write it down? I feel like you misunderstood what a family tree is.


Q: Morons.

Q:(walks away while sipping juice)

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