Smart Brain files 5: Magi system

704 20 7

3rd person POV:

Smart Lady: This video is for high ranking personnel only. Doctor Akagi, if you would.


Ritsuko: The S.C. Magi System... are a trio of supercomputers designed by Dr. Naoko Akagi during her research into bio-computers while at Smart Brain.

Ritsuko: The Magi's 7th generation organic computers were implanted with three differing aspects of Dr. Naoko Akagi's personality using the Personality Transplant Operating System.

Ritsuko: The three aspects are...

Ritsuko: Her persona as a woman, Casper-Magi 3.

Ritsuko: Her persona as a mother Balthasar-Magi 2.

Ritsuko: And her persona as a scientist Melchior-Magi 1.

Ritsuko: The Magi system is used for many things. To calculate the success rate of Smart Brain missions.

Ritsuko: And also it helps the riders in battle by putting helpful data up on their hud.

Ritsuko: There are numerous similarly named systems located in other Smart Brain facilities around the world including Germany, the United States, and China.

Ritsuko: Consisting of three separate parts intended to work together. 

Ritsuko: Are we done?

Smart Brain:(smiles) Sure.

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