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Hey, sorry this is basically going to be a vent chapter. Something happened while I was at my cousin's house for Christmas and I feel out of place. I'm sorry.
Tw // panic attack, suicidal thoughts, insanity(?)
S/n: sister's name
B/n: brother's name
Y/n's pov:
I came back from the store with my boyfriend Five and s/n. We had went there to buy stuff for my family party. People had given us requests so we went. Me, my parents, my siblings, and Five came to stay at aunt's house for a couple days and now they threw a party the day before we went back home.
"The root beer is outside." I told my brother who was standing in front of the kitchen island as me, Five, and s/n set the bags that my mom and aunt needed to make food.
"Did you get the hot Cheetos?" B/n asked. Shit.
"Damn it!" I said, "I forgot, I'm sor-"
Great now he's yelling at me in front of my other aunts and my grandmother. Great.
"The text never sent through." I said, on the verge of tears.
I was shaking. I felt my breathing get more rapid as my heart rate quickened. I couldn't hold in the tears anymore. I could never hold it together when someone yells at me. Never. The tears were now streaming down my face as I tried to apologize.
"I'm- I'm s-s-sorry." I stuttered, "S-sorry."
"Y/n, there is no reason to cry!" I heard my mom say, "Stop crying this instant!"
I felt everyone's eyes on me. They were probably thinking of how much of a freak show I am. I then heard the door open, then close and I can see Five with the last two bags from the corner of my eye.
"Oh." Five said, "Did we get the wrong chips?"
"No, she did." B/n name said while pointing at me.
I still continued to shake as he said that. How could he not fucking appreciate that I bought him a two liter bottle of root beer and some fucking Doritos?! He never appreciates me. Everything I do for him just gets tossed behind.
I could feel my mom's angry glare as the tears continued to stream down my face. I didn't bother to look up as I quickly start walking to the room I slept in.
I got in and locked the door. The breathing began to quicken even more as I started to knock my shit off the bedside and all of my hair and makeup supplies fell to the floor. I got my suitcase and through it across the room in anger. I then fell onto the bed and continued sobbing.
"Fuck!" I sobbed out. I didn't care I I got in trouble. None of that mattered anymore.
Why couldn't he just appreciate what I bought him. He humiliated me in front of everyone. The whole family probably thinks I'm a freak or something. Maybe I deserved to get yelled at. Why couldn't I do it right the first time? No one needs me anymore. What's the point of going out of my way to do something for someone if it never gets appreciated?
All those thoughts were running free in my head. I tried to calm myself down, but I just couldn't. I just wanted to stay there and never come out.

Five's pov:
I saw y/n quickly walk somewhere into the hallway. I could've sworn I caught a glimpse of her crying?
"What happened?" I asked, "Did I miss something?"
"B/n is just being a baby." S/n said, "He yelled at
y/n just because she didn't give him one more bag of chips."
I looked at b/n with anger in my eyes. What the fuck did s/n say? Why THE FUCK did b/n do that to her? Y/N IS SENSITIVE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, WHY THE FUCK DID HE YELL AT HER!!
I would have beat the living shit out of b/n, but I knew that y/n would probably never forgive me for that. Plus she needed my support right now. I looked at s/n to signal her about me going to y/n. She got the message and nodded her head.

Y/n's pov:
I sat on the edge of the bed with my fingers tangled in my roots. My head was pounding because of the nonstop crying. I STILL wasn't able to stop.
I heard someone knock on the door. It was probably my mom trying to tell me that my feelings are invalid or whatever.
"Not now." I said.
No one answered. Instead I saw a small flash of blue and I heard a whoosh. I saw Five Hargreeves standing in front of me.
"Are you okay darling?" he asked as he opened out his arms and formed a pout on his lips. I felt more tears stream down my face as I quickly got up from the bed and ran into his arms, my face burying into his chest.
"Why couldn't he just appreciate me?" I asked, "I do all this shit for him but not one fucking time he appreciates it!"
"Shhh..." Five shushes in my ear, "You're going to be okay. I promise. I won't let him hurt you."
"He humiliated me!" I squeaked out. My breathing was still bad.
"I'm sorry baby." Five said, "You don't deserve to feel this way."
I didn't have the energy to stand up anymore. I felt myself slowing going down and Five came with me. Pretty soon we were both sitting on the floor, with my head buried in Five's chest. One hand was caressing my cheek and the other one was wrapped around my waist. I held on to Five as if I was never going to see him again.
My breathing began to go back to normal and my crying was beginning to die down. My face was still red and tearstained.
"Let's go wash your face baby." Five said.
  I nodded and Five helped me up. He had his arm around me as he unlocked the door. We made our way to the bathroom and we can hear my sister yelling.
  Five closed the door so I wouldn't hear anything else. He turned on the sink and helped me wash my face.
  "Can we go back to the room?" I asked.
  "Of course." he replied and took me to the room.
  "SHE DIDN'T GET MY CHIPS THOUGH!" b/n said, thinking that that was a valid excuse.
  Me and Five entered the room and saw my mom in there. She didn't look too happy.
  "Y/n why did you have to start shaking?!" she asked.
  "I didn't mean to." I explained, "He humiliated me-"
  "No he didn't!" she said, "YOU humiliated me! You shaking like that and crying in front of everyone! Don't think that you got humiliated because you didn't."
  I felt Five's grip around me getting tighter. I broke his grip off of me as I glared at my mother.
  "Are you being serious right now?" I ask, my voice breaking, "Why can't he just be grateful for what I gave him? Why can't he treat me like the way my friends' brother treat them?! All of my friends have nice, kind brothers, but yet I have an ungrateful and rude one! How are you going to stand there and tell me I'm wrong?"
  "Y/n don't talk to me like that!" she snapped.
  "Like what?" I asked, "I'm not even talking back to you."
  "Stop acting like that." she snapped, "You act like your life is so bad."
  "You know what?" I asked laughing a little bit, "I am TIRED of the invalidation of MY own feelings and being unappreciated by MY own family."
  "YOU cannot tell me how I feel. YOU don't know how I feel." I said still laughing as tears streamed down my face again. I can see Five looking at me worryingly.
  "Is that what we're doing now?" I asked while giggling, "It's okay. I invalidate MY own feelings too! I DO!! I mean it's a thing we're doing now right? My feelings don't matter. I don't matter. I'm just a piece of trash that you can simply throw away." I said all of this while laughing like a maniac. Was I going insane?
  I just kept laughing. I felt my breath quicken too. My mom looked at me like I was crazy.
  "It's okay because me panicking and being upset over being unappreciated is WAY more unforgiving than someone yelling at me for something sooo stupid." I laughed out, "I NEED to be punished. Oh, he called me stupid too! Yeah he says all these rude things to me, but of course that's WAY less unforgivable than the way I feel."
  I continued laughing as my mom looked at me for the last time.
  "I'm not dealing with this right now." she said slightly irritated but maybe a little concerned about what I was saying, "Come out when you're ready."
  She left the room as I kept laughing. I can feel Five staring at me. Normally I would be scared about what Five would think about how I was acting. He probably thinks I'm a freak show, but I don't care. It's not like anything matters anymore. I'm unappreciated by my family, my family likes to invalidate my feelings, and now I'm probably going to loose Five. It's fine though. I know that the more my life keeps going, I'm going to loose everything. If keep living, I'll continue to loose everything I've ever wanted. But if I can just simply leave, no one will loose anything.... What was I waiting for? Even, if I actually was special to someone, they'd only loose one thing. That's not so bad right? I mean, I'm on the verge of loosing everything. Loosing one thing is NOTHING compared to loosing one thing.
  "I like to invalidate my own feelings too." I laughed out.
  Maybe, I should've done it right the first time. Maybe I deserved getting yelled at. I deserved it. But it's okay because if I leave, he won't have to deal with it anymore. He can simply have everything he'd ever want. Everyone else will be all right. Five, my sister, my parents, the rest of my family, and my friends will be alright. They'll be more than alright. They don't need me. I'm just a waste of space.
  "I'm just a waste of space." I whispered and laughed, "No one needs me!" I continued to laugh maniacally.
  I felt arms wrap around my waist from behind me and a head rest on my shoulder. The person hugging me was shaking in worry.
  "Please stop." Five said, "Don't say that about yourself. I need you."
  My laughing was starting to fade into sobs. I felt myself fall to the floor with Five. He was hugging me as I cried. He held me tightly as if there was no tomorrow.
  "I need you y/n." he said, "You're not a waste of space. Please don't leave. A world without you is meaningless."
  I sighed knowing that he was probably telling the truth.
  "I won't." I whispered. I turned to look at him and saw that his eyes were watering, but he wasn't crying.
  "I won't." I whispered and shook my head.
  The door opened to reveal my siblings and my parents. My brother stood there looking very irritated.
  "I can't believe you're making me do this." she growled very irritated, "Is she seriously crying because of this?"
  I saw Five give b/n a death glare. B/n sighed irritably.
  "Sorry." b/n said annoyed.
  "Now give her a hug." my mom said.
  "No." I said, "I don't want a hug from him." I knew deep down he doesn't mean his stupid apology. He never does. He's just doing it to look good. I knew his apology was meaningless.
  "Can I have my phone back now?" B/n asked my mom.
  "No." she said, "Not until you learn how to treat others with respect."
  "Oh my god." B/n said, "I can't believe this! This is all your fault!!" he said looking at me as he left. I knew he didn't mean it.
  Everyone else left and soon it was just me and Five still sitting on the carpet of the room. I was still shaking and soft sobs escaped my lips.
  "It's going to be okay." Five whispered in my ear, "Let's go wash you face."
  Five helped me up and carried me with my legs wrapped around his waist and my head resting on his shoulder. He walked over to the bathroom and set my down on the counter that was connected to the sink.
  He grabbed a small towel and soaked it with water. He ringed out the excess water and started to carefully drag the towel across my face. Once my face was a little wet, he grabbed another towel and dried my face.
  "I want to go home." I said. This is the first time I've ever said that when I'm in my aunts house. Every time I come to her house I never want to leave. Now that b/n humiliated me, I want to leave.
  "I know baby." he said, "We'll go home tomorrow. But for now let's enjoy ourselves. Your favorite cousin is coming isn't she?"
  "Yeah." I said. I guess I can wait until tomorrow.
  Five hugged me and buried his head in my chest. I can see it in his eyes that he felt bad for me.
  "Come on." he said, helping me down from the counter and holding my hand, "Let's go get some food."
  "Okay." I said and letting Five happily lead to the food.
  I know my reaction was probably not necessary. I was scared though. I've always been scared of my brother. And the fact that he tried to apologize just to get his phone back and not to fix it with me. I felt humiliated the rest of the night and I still felt humiliated as me and my family left home the next day. I don't know what my family thinks of me. I don't know if they felt bad for me, or if they think I'm crazy. Hopefully I'll be able to move past what happened. Hopefully next time I make a mistake, no one will hate me for it.
Finished. I never thought I would make a sad chapter but here I am. I hope you guys are having a good day. I probably won't write until I make a New Years chapter because I'm still trying to process what happened while I stayed at my cousin's house. I just want to let you know that your feelings are valid and I appreciate you so much, and that your mistakes are perfect. I hope you have a good day.

-Marisol <3

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