The ball

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Hi guys!! It's feels like forever since I updated. Anyways I've been obsessed with castles and hosting balls where you come and dance with ball gowns and all that 🥺 Enjoy!!
S/n: sister's name
Y/n pov:
  I was happily getting ready for my older sister's party. She was turning twenty one today and she was hosting a ball. I've always been into the Victorian era so I was very excited. I had ordered a Victorian era dress and when I tell you I squealed-
  I was listening to music as I picked up my dress. Words cannot express how excited I was. My sister also told me that she even rented a castle for the night and asked my parents if I can spend the night there with her and her boyfriend. I was so excited!!
  Ugh just think about it. I'm going to a ball. Imagine if I find meet a guy there!! How romantic! And staying the night at the castle??? How can I pass such an offer??
  I carefully put on the very gorgeous dress. It was light blue and I had ordered some black shoes to go with it (a/n: the pictures below).

 It was light blue and I had ordered some black shoes to go with it (a/n: the pictures below)

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  I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled

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I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. Normally I wouldn't be too confident about myself, but tonight was different. I actually felt pretty. I had to get my hair and makeup done, so I went and grabbed my hair curler and other things I needed for my hair.
I somehow managed to get my hair into a bun with some hair on the bottom and some hair on the sides (a/n: the picture below). Then I did my makeup with light gold eyeshadow, some blush, and dark red lipstick (a/n: the other photo).

  Then I did my makeup with light gold eyeshadow, some blush, and dark red lipstick (a/n: the other photo)

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  I looked at the final result

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I looked at the final result. I felt pretty. I feel like the Victorian era suits me well. It was something I was comfortable in.
"Y/n!" I heard my mom call out.
"Coming mom!" I said. I took a deep breath and headed downstairs.
My parents looked flattering themselves. I have to admit, it was a bit weird to see them in a Victorian style dress, since it wasn't something that they were into.
"You look lovely y/n." my mom said.
"Thank you." I said. We headed outside and we saw an unbelievable sight!! A carriage and two horses in the front?? We saw the man who sits in front of the carriage say that he was here to pick us up for s/n. I am internally screaming right now.
  We piled into the carriage and I was in paradise. I enjoyed every moment of it. I know that Victorian balls were romantic in a way, but I know that I don't necessarily need romance after experiencing all of this. This is good enough for my night.
We arrived at the castles and I was in awe. It was beautiful. Me and my parents went inside and made our way to the ballroom. It was beautiful. People were talking and some people were dancing.
Me and my parents went to go get some food and got a table for us to eat in. My cousin found me and ate with me. She looked very pretty. The food was great and me and my cousin and I laughed the whole time.
I looked over and saw my sister talking to these other people that were sitting at the table not too far from mine. Someone there caught my eyes. It was a boy, who looked to be around my age, who was wearing a Victorian era suit (well obviously), had dark hair, green eyes, and a very sharp jawline. If I had to be honest, he looked very attractive....
"Y/n?" I heard someone say and I finally snapped out of my thoughts. I looked over and saw my cousin looking at me.
"I'm going to go dance with my boyfriend." she said. I nodded and she left with her boyfriend.
I looked at the boy and saw that he too was looking at me. I felt my cheeks heat up and I quickly looked away. I sighed as I got up to get another cup of tea.
I was serving myself some tea and sat back down after putting the perfect amount of sugar. I took a sip as I saw my cousin and her boyfriend dancing like the way couples did back in the Victorian era. I had finished my tea and decided to explore the castle.
'Who was that family?' I thought to myself. I looked up and saw many beautiful paintings up on the walls. I wish I was a painting....
I kept walking until I found a room with a balcony. I always loved rooms with balconies. They were always so pretty, especially in a castle.
I headed back to the ballroom and sat down in my original seat. My cousin and her boyfriend were nowhere to be seen. They probably went somewhere to make out or something.
"Excuse me?" I heard a voice speak. I looked up and my eyes were met with a pair of beautiful green eyes. It was the boy I saw earlier.
"I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you look..." he said while looking down and rubbing his neck. I looked down as I felt my cheeks heating up.
"Thank you." I said, while being completely flustered.
"May I have this dance?" he asked. I looked up and saw his hand reached out to me. This was my chance. Not only do I get to live out my Victorian era fantasy (you know like romance during the balls), but I get to know who this guy is.
"You may." I said and took his hand. He led me to the dance floor and we danced like the way people did back in the Victorian era. He was really good at it. I could feel me cheeks heating up the entire time. I also saw his cheeks in a light pink shade too.
We finished dancing and took a walk outside. We sat down at this water fountain looking thing. It was very pretty.
I later learned that his name is Five Hargreeves and that his sister named Vanya was friends with my sister. I don't know what it was with Five, but I felt a connection with him. It was like those Victorian romances. You meet at the ball and fall in love ahahjdjdk.
We eventually went back inside and danced again and sat down at a table for ourselves. Five eventually introduced me to his siblings and they are all so nice and funny. I was having the best time of my life.
We were in the middle of talking about our favorite drinks, his being coffee and mine being tea, when we heard a "Ayo, Five!" We turned around and saw Diego call out to Five.
"Come on hermano, we're going home." Klaus said.
"It was nice meeting you." Five said.
"You too." I said. I got a slip of paper and wrote down my number and handed it to Five.
"Call me?" I asked and Five nodded. He took both of my hands in his and brought both of them to his lips and kissed them softly. He looked up and and smiled with his dimples showing and I returned the smile.
He let go of my hands and started walking towards his siblings until they were all out of sight. I sighed, knowing that I was most likely going to fall in love with him. I couldn't stop thinking about him the rest of the night....
Heyyy. Sorry for the long wait. I have more ideas for imagines so we might have more updates yay!! I hope you guys are having an amazing day !!

-Marisol <3

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